I have an excellent father, his strength is making me stronger.

I'm so lucky that my songs are basically my diary put to music.

I'm gonna find someone someday who might actually treat me well

I never want to end up being a self-centered, vain human being.

The blame is on me...I knew you were trouble when you walked in.

Love has absolutely no pattern, and no one will ever be perfect.

When I'm in my 50s, I kind of think I'll want to be in a garden.

It's pretty intense writing about my own life, my own struggles.

To all the boys who inspired this album: You should've known. ;)

I'd like to be my old self again but I'm still trying to find it

I'm the type of person, I have to study to get an A on the test.

I think that you can love people without it being the great love.

At a certain point, if you chase two rabbits, you lose them both.

she thinks I'm psycho cause I like to rhyme her name with things.

Everything will be alright if we just keep dancing like we're 22.

Your eyes wider than distance, this life is sweeter than fiction.

Who you are is not where you've been... You're still an innocent.

It's pretty unhealthy to obsess over what people think about you.

I try to prepare for everything beyond the extent of preparation.

If they don't like you for being yourself, be yourself even more.

Nashville is my home, and the reason why I get to do what I love.

I don't know if you know who you are, until you lose who you are.

Being excited about stuff on a daily basis, I'm so excited by it.

I tend to think things are love and then look back and reevaluate.

I'm taking pictures in my mind so i can save them for a rainy day.

I think loving someone, despite what people think, is FEARLESS. <3

We're in our twenties and we don't know anything and it's awesome.

Style is such a personal thing; it's your way to be an individual.

I think that growing up is something that you should do gradually.

But, I've always loved John Mayer and I think T-Pain is brilliant.

A letdown is worth a few songs. A heartbreak is worth a few albums.

It's possible to climb to the top without stomping on other people.

I think I feel in love with words before I feel in love with music.

I think allowing yourself to cry on the bathroom floor is FEARLESS.

I became a people-watcher when I lost all my friends when I was 12.

Be the fearless girl that everyone knows would dare to do anything.

Poetry and lyrics are very similar. Making words bounce off a page.

When you’re young you just run, but you come back to what you need.

I'd like to think you don't stop being creative once you get happy.

I’d rather be at home and eat ice cream than go out and get wasted.

I slept in castles and fell in love because I was taught to dream" -

That's the thing with love: It's going to be wrong until it's right.

Maybe you're not meant to fit in. maybe you're supposed to stand out.

We learned more from a 3 minute record than we ever learned in school

I can imagine it's hard to make a relationship last. I wouldn't know.

I'm like 6'2 when I wear heels, so I tend to wear cowboy boots a lot.

I've been giving out chances every time and all you do is let me down.

Forgetting someone is like getting over a hundred addictions everyday.

I've got my Grammys on top of my piano and I look at them when I play.

At some point you have to forget about grudges because they only hurt.

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