There is honor between bitches

Parenthood is nothing but doubts.

Only the forgotten are truly dead.

We are all descended from monsters.

No man easily admits that he is afraid.

Everything's a gamble, love most of all.

The dead do not hurt you; only the living do.

We are not as impervious as we think we are. - Dr Maura Isles

... he knew that the cruelest of blows too often came with a smile.

The most dangerous enemy in the world is the one you do not recognize.

The one man you most want to sleep with may be the worst choice of all.

We never know until the beast of opportunity is staring us in the face.

I was always meant to be a writer. I've felt that way since I was a child.

Where we go depends on what we know, and what we know depends on where we go.

The most intimate feeling people can share is neither love nor hate, but pain.

If you want to remain at liberty, I suggest you not antagonize your defenders.

Death does not discriminate; whether saints or sinners, in the end, all are equal.

Sometimes, the person who could make you happiest is the one who waits patiently in the wings.

One of the best Christmas presents I ever got was the globe that I now keep right beside my desk.

My father said writing was a nice hobby. He strongly encouraged my brother and me to become doctors.

Motherhood didn't make you stronger; it made you vulnerable and afraid of what death could steal from you.

She now knew her death was inevitable, and with that acceptance came liberation. The courage of the condemned.

The best heroes in the world are the reluctant ones. Courage isn't fearlessness - it's acting in the face of fear.

The heart makes its choices without weighing the consequences. It doesn't look ahead to the lonely nights that follow.

It's what all writers dream of, that our work finds a measure of immortality that long outlives the words of any critic.

My childhood was spent in my local library in a San Diego suburb. It's where I became a writer - by 1st becoming a reader!

After twelve years of living in Hawaii, I'd gotten a serious case of 'rock fever.' I just couldn't live on an island any longer.

We dream our dreams, and sometimes they take us to places we never anticipate. But they are our dreams, and we go where they lead.

The Christmas tree, twinkling with lights, had a mountain of gifts piled up beneath it, like offerings to the great god of excess.

My most successful books, the ones that I feel the strongest about, are the ones that started with a premise that for me was deeply emotional.

The hunting of monsters is not for the faint of heart. Nor is it for those who feel bound by such trivial doctrines as law or national borders.

I think fiction, for me, is a way of trying to understand why people do the things they do - and trying to explain what is, at heart, illogical.

I was an anthropology major in college, and I've had a lifelong fascination with Egyptology, mummies, and all sorts of bizarre cultural practices.

Aside from the Rizzoli & Isles books, there are many other stories I want to write. The question is whether I'll live long enough to write them all!

I'm trained in science, believe in logic, and like to think there's an explanation for everything. And I'm truly not really at ease with other people.

I'd been writing stories since I was a child. I wrote little books for my mom and bound them myself with needle and thread. Mostly, they were about my pets.

That's what falling in love really amounted to, your brain on drugs. Adrenaline and dopamine, oxytocin and serotonin. Chemical insanity, celebrated by poets.

Sometimes, the stars line up, the gods smile, and love gets a fighting chance. Just a chance. That's all it can really hope for. No guarantees, no certainties

If I were stranded on a desert island, the one book I would have with me would is the Bible. There are enough stories in the Bible to keep you engaged for years.

In China, the dead are not forgotten - my relatives cheerfully pointed out all the niches of deceased friends and family, as if gesturing at the homes of the living.

I shy away from showing cruelty on the page. A lot of the violence in my books actually happens off stage. The police come on to the scene after the event has occurred.

The hardest part of writing is the first draft, and the closer you get to your deadline, the messier your workspace becomes - but that's the same with any creative outlet.

'Lonesome Dove' by Larry McMurtry and 'The Poisonwood Bible' by Barbara Kingsolver have stuck with me throughout my life, and I think that says a lot about an author's writing.

A project like 'Rizzoli & Isles' is something you can't pursue. It's something that comes to you... I like to call it 'fairy dust.' And it happened without my having to do anything.

I know there’s evil in the world, and there always has been. But you don’t need to believe in Satan or demons to explain it. Human beings are perfectly capable of evil all by themselves.

She was the only woman in the homicide unit, and already there had been problems between her and another detective, charges of sexual harassment, countercharges of unrelenting bitchiness.

My mother is an immigrant from China, and she filled my head with stories about ghosts and fighting monks in China, so the world of 'Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon' was a very familiar one.

When you're a fifty-year-old woman, no one really bothers to look at you anymore, much less value your opinion. It's hard on the old ego. But damn, it does make it easy to get away with a lot.

My brother and I spent our childhood in movie theaters screaming. I decided early on that that was the epitome of entertainment. I'm always trying for that same level of adrenaline in my books.

Only with maturity did I come to appreciate my own Chinese roots: not just the food and the ancient history, but also the philosophy of child-rearing and the respect for education and knowledge.

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