I'm a studio rat.

A chorus is not easy.

I don't believe in icons.

I've had sleep paralysis.

I love trying new things.

'Eastern Promises' is great.

Going home helps the content.

Marriage is scary to me, man.

Bragging just sounds good, man.

I'm too full to swallow my pride

My closet is like Bart Simpson's.

'Kiss Land' is like a horror movie.

Be loyal to your own piece of mind.

I make good music for long journeys.

I feel like I'm changing pop culture.

Im the most boring person to talk to.

I'm the most boring person to talk to.

The Internet, man, is a beautiful thing.

Literally wrote 'Starboy' in 30 minutes.

Let's be honest. Canada wasn't ever cool.

Make me remember you like you remember me.

Happiness exist when you don't know a thing

I didn't have a father figure in the house.

I was 14, and I fell in love with Pink Floyd.

I mean... in life... what relationship is easy?

I'm trying to get to Mars before everyone else.

I want to be remembered as iconic and different.

Ain't nobody gonna care enough to catch you fall.

Nothing is stopping me from doing what I love to do.

It's almost schizophrenic who I portray in my music.

I don't think I'd ever apologise for music I make, no.

I just love Bowie. I think he's the ultimate inventor.

Alternative R&B is in my soul. It's not going anywhere.

The whole 'enigmatic artist' thing, I just ran with it.

I ain't scared of the fall / I've felt the ground before.

Once you learn to hit, teach yourself to never miss again.

I've grown accustomed to hotels and drastic climate change.

I wrote a song with Ed Sheeran that was kind of spontaneous.

I'm all about evolution. I'm the first person to judge myself.

Some people are just born wack, you can't teach certain wackness.

I just want to keep pushing the envelope without it feeling forced.

I get naturally uncomfortable when I'm put under a magnifying glass.

They asked me why I don't quit drinking, I told 'em I'm not a quitter.

When you come to my show, I want it to feel like opera, like a theatre.

In the beginning, I was very insecure. I hated how I looked in pictures.

What does it mean when your heart's already numb? You're a professional.

'House of Balloons' was actually supposed to have more songs than it does.

The game is changing with songs like 'Earned It' as opposed to it changing me.

To be recognized for the hard work my team and I put into 'Starboy' is an honor.

My inspiration is R. Kelly, Michael Jackson, and Prince - for the vocals, anyway.

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