Did you know hemp is a natural fiber

Did you know hemp is a natural fiber'

I'm not really this rock'n'roll chick.

I can't sit on grass without a blanket.

I wanted to be a part of the Disney history.

When I first came here, Hollywood was very closed-minded.

Jason Lee is the most famous actor from Hawaii I can think of.

I act and perform in hopes of getting attention and admiration.

I love to sing, so I just figured that I was going to sing or something.

I'm of Filipino, Spanish, and Chinese descent, and was raised on Hawaii.

Beauty lasts five minutes. Maybe longer if you have a good plastic surgeon.

I'm concentrating on the positive, on all the wonderful things I'm doing now.

The kids all knew me from Wayne's World. The grown-ups knew me after True Lies.

People want me to do the strangest things. They want me to sign their arms or chests.

I kind of fell into acting, but I have sung and trained since I was in the eighth grade.

That's always at the heart and soul of Disney's features, the feeling of a family values.

I was very young. I thought I knew a lot and I really didn't. I trusted the wrong people.

I like theme parks. The fastest roller coaster I've ever been on is at a casino in Nevada.

This is a Disney animated feature; it's eternal, it's history. What's there to think about'

I slipped at a bus stop; I went one way and my hair went the other. That was the end of my wig.

Doors open because you're beautiful, but I wouldn't cultivate beauty to the exclusion of brains.

I can't stand when people say, Don't hate me because I'm beautiful. OK, how about I hate you because you said that

I can't stand when people say, 'Don't hate me because I'm beautiful'. OK, how about I hate you because you said that.

I had been gullible, naive, soft, pliable. That's why I got taken advantage of. To survive, you have to have a tough skin.

As an actress, you're already disregarded for a lot of the parts by the people who are setting up those shows. You don't need your agent to be doing the same.

If there's a Disney animated feature based in Hawaii, I knew I had to be part of it. I'm very proud to be from Hawaii. There was no question the role was mine.

Having the Stitch character, the villain that becomes a hero, coming from outer space, it took a very difficult and complex story and put it into a simpler, kinder time.

The reporter claimed he was going to write the article from my point of view. Instead, he made me sound like a little idiot. It made me never want to do another interview again.

When I first met my agent, I said, If something comes up and it fits my age range and personality, I would like you to send me up for it, even if it specifies blonde or brunette.

When I first met my agent, I said, "If something comes up and it fits my age range and personality, I would like you to send me up for it, even if it specifies blonde or brunette."

Wayne's World was a turning point-after Wayne's World, it was like, "Who is this girl? Where did she come from? Let's give her another job. Have her come in and meet instead of read

I play a female Indiana Jones, a professor who hunts down precious objects, like a bowl that belonged to the Buddha. They tailored the role to me: I wanted to be smart, funny, and to kick some ass.

No, I always wanted to be a singer. It was kind of funny that I took this road, started acting, then-almost ten years later-in Wayne's World people finally got to see me sing. And everyone thought it was dubbed in.

I'm waxed clean - hairless as the day as I was born. But don't say 'Tia has no pubic hair.' That's so clinical. Use a nice euphemism. Say 'She's mowed her secret garden' or 'She's cleared the way to the Promised Land.' Because that's what it is, right?

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