MySpace is the site I wanted to be on.

Music is a major cornerstone of our success.

It's kind of like, who cares about MTV anymore?

Facebook really has made the world a better place.

Apple likes me, but they strongly prefer my money.

We had a much bigger vision than creating a dating site.

I mean, my mom knows Google, but she doesn't know MySpace.

Another part of my background was that I was in film school.

One day I woke up and discovered that I was in love with tripe.

The entertainment industry is a very noisy, crowded marketplace.

A racist is a man who believes in history, genetics, and his eyes!

Creative freedom and self-expression is what MySpace is all about.

Google is basically too big for anyone to go against in a serious way.

I tend to 'splurge' for convenience. I'll pay a lot to not waste time.

I seem quiet. But when I get upset, I talk too loudly. I'm sort of an alarmist.

We didn't expect it to be cool, with people trading URLs instead of phone numbers.

We want people to stay on MySpace. We'll give them whatever they might want to do.

I've always kept a low profile and said no to 'Saturday Night Live' and stuff like that.

Almost all the things you can do online can be enhanced by the social structure of MySpace.

We felt like we reached a point where MySpace in its original incarnation had peaked in a way.

The idea was that if it was a cool thing to do online, you should be able to do it on MySpace.

Bands are going to MySpace because it's free and they don't have to know how to do a Web site.

We want MySpace users to connect with celebrities in the same way that they do with musicians.

Expensive gear helps for night shots, but I wouldn't recommend beginners overspend on a camera.

Ultimately, our goal is to provide all artists with the opportunity to make a living on MySpace.

The less the camera is able to capture what you're seeing in a scene, the more editing it needs.

When I was a kid, everyone wanted to be in a band - that was the path to girls, adulation, money.

I'd heard comedians working MySpace into their routines and giving out their URLs as early as 2004.

Anything you do on the Internet, I want you to be able to do on MySpace. That's the goal and ambition.

I don't know exactly where my life will lead. Adventure and the unknown has always been appealing to me.

I wouldn't single out Facebook as a concern, because we've got different local competitors around the world.

We've tried to simplify the site because some people found it too difficult to use and were intimidated by it.

People aren't interested in music on Facebook in the way they are on MySpace, that's one of the big keys here.

The very first plan I wrote for MySpace was that it would be a portal, but a portal wrapped around your user profile.

On Friendster, if you were a band and you made a profile, they would delete it. They didn't want bands on their site.

I won't even say who I'm going to vote for. I don't want to make people feel like me, or MySpace, is endorsing anyone.

We can't allow somebody to create a service like that, which reveals who's looking at your page. That's a violation of privacy.

For years troops stationed all over the world have utilised MySpace as a lifeline to communicate with their loved ones back home.

The Impact Channel and OurPlanet were created to increase awareness of environmental and social causes within the MySpace community.

MySpace News is designed to let users decide what's most relevant to them, and we've given them hundreds of subjects to choose from.

It can be a little scary. Like one time I posted a link to NPR because I thought it was interesting, and it took down their Web site.

Popular opinion is the biggest 'filter' for most people - they don't have to try something if they've already been told it's not cool.

I think people are feeling more artistic and creative with something like Instagram that makes editing easy. That's a good thing for sure.

When you go to a band's MySpace page you will have the full discography of everything they've ever recorded that you can listen to online.

I didn't expect major labels would embrace MySpace, and the original idea for music on the site was the unsigned bands, the independent bands.

It's our hope MySpace Comedy will serve as a launch pad for up-and-coming comedians and as an attraction for the biggest names in the industry.

It's not as much fun to go to karaoke alone, but when you do it through the Internet or on your MySpace page, then you can share it with people.

I can't stress enough how unimportant the camera really is. Any brand of camera will do. For 95% of my shots, the lowest end DSLR will be just fine.

It always helps to have someone who can say, No, we can do it faster this way, or We have to break the rules, even our own rules, to get things done.

In person I don't have that many friends. I'm a pretty tight-knit guy with the people that I know. Offline, I have no more than four or five friends.

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