You can't eat cake and lose weight.

Donald Trump is anathema to America.

Organizing has to be a 12-month endeavor.

The Republican playbook is voter suppression.

Donald Trump, you don't stand for our values.

I think our big tent is our greatest strength.

Discrimination is not a national defense strategy!

We're at our best when we put hope in front of fear.

Responding to a natural disaster is a complex problem.

There are just way too many people suffering out there.

We believe that health care is a right, not a privilege.

Hillary Clinton is about 'we.' Donald Trump is about 'me.'

We need to be focused in corporate America on the long term.

Nobody who works 40 hours a week should have to live in poverty.

There's a long bipartisan tradition of civil rights enforcement.

Sometimes you have to push the envelope in pursuit of the right thing.

Raising the minimum wage isn't just pro-worker; it's pro-economic growth.

I happen to think Donald Trump is crazy, but that's not an economic message.

Public service has allowed me to put values my parents taught me into action.

How do we make sure that rising tides lift all boats and not just the yachts?

I've said that we need to elect Democrats from the school board to the Senate.

One of the best ways to grow this economy is to put money in people's pockets.

Smart growth is having the courage to say yes and having the courage to say no.

It is not possible that it is God's will that women are making 77 cents on a dollar.

People are so sick of these Twitter tirades. They want leaders they can be proud of.

The labor movement is our brother's keeper! The labor movement is our sister's keeper!

Helping veterans isn't just a part of my job. For me, it's personal. It's in my blood.

President Obama has made a minimum wage increase a focal point of his economic agenda.

The politics of division are not what we want in New Jersey and Virginia and elsewhere.

If Donald Trump wants to raise the minimum wage to $15, yes, I will work with Donald Trump.

There is no price tag on an American life - whether it's in Florida, Texas, or Puerto Rico.

Michigan is a state we should have won in 2016, and we didn't, and I want to understand why.

When you cut investments in worker training, you're cutting investments in the middle class.

Federal government has been a gateway to the middle class for people of color for generations.

If Donald Trump wants to pass comprehensive immigration reform, I will work with Donald Trump.

I'm often accused of hiring people with civil rights experience, and I do plead guilty to that.

You can't show up at a church every 4 October and say, 'Vote for me,' and call that persuasion.

It's not only inhumane to treat Puerto Ricans as second-class citizens. It's deeply un-American.

Trust is not something that's given because you win an election; it's something you have to earn.

Mandatory arbitration clauses I think, more often than not, work to the detriment of working people.

Workers are baking the pie of prosperity, but they're not sharing in those dividends. That's unfair.

The overtime rule was frankly diluted in 2004 by a regulation put in place by the Bush administration.

You're more likely to see someone fatally struck by lightning than witness a case of in-person voter fraud.

The 3.5 million people in Puerto Rico are American citizens. They deserve fair and equal treatment as Americans.

Civil rights activists and union activists shared not just common values and objectives but also common enemies.

If I don't get something done at the office at 4:30 in the afternoon, I can go back to it at 10:00 in the evening.

Infrastructure done right can help working people; infrastructure done wrong is just more money for private equity.

Donald Trump's vision of America, his nativist vision of America, his fear mongering - that's what we have to fight.

What my parents taught me was that the hallmark of a thriving democracy was an effective and respectful police force.

As long as we're united, and as long as we continue to organize, invest, and lead with our values, we'll be unstoppable.

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