The more you achieve, the more people want.

I have been animated all my life on the bench.

I'm amazed to find those countries are in Europe.

I find rowing very boring, I've got to be honest.

The biggest thing about management is self-motivation.

Adversity is when you show your strength of character.

I'm very determined, single-minded, just ask the wife.

My teams have always been very hard-working and competitive.

Every time I take my teams abroad, the players always behave.

I've actually carried the Olympic torch through Stoke-on-Trent.

Stoke-on-Trent is totally and utterly different to South London.

We push experience aside and forget about people far too quickly.

Middlesbrough took a lot out of me, it was enjoyable but draining.

We all get knocked down in life, the big thing is getting back up.

People have a perception of you and that's very difficult to change.

You get pigeonholed. You accept it or you fight it. I've accepted it.

It's annoying and disappointing that people think I just keep clubs up.

It must be a nightmare for football managers' wives, putting up with us.

When things go wrong it is magnified 10 times more in the Premier League.

Everything about the Premier League is wonderful, even when you get beat.

If you're hiring a manager for two to three years, you need to get it right.

It's no good me talking about my future. I don't determine my future, other people do.

If a top four job came along, I don't think people will look at Tony Pulis to do that.

Everyone talks about not being relegated, but as a manager I have got a few promotions.

I've always been bloody single minded, which is probably why I've been in the game so long.

Whichever way the result goes, my 1,000th game will be at Stoke and I had great times there.

Ive got nothing against foreign managers, they are very nice people. Apart from Arsene Wenger

The great thing about this country is that everyone has the chance to voice their own opinion.

I accept that in life and football you have good times and bad, and it's how you deal with it.

I've always been a bit old-fashioned and thought the best way to sort things out was man to man.

I have this restlessness. I'm relentless to do things. My wife will say I'm an absolute nightmare.

English football, especially Premier League football, is different to most football on the continent.

What people don't talk about is I've been promoted out of every division and been to the final of an FA Cup.

When you lose a game of football, you can still be a winner by taking it on the chin and getting on with it.

I have my grumpy days. The players will tell you that. But you have to be positive because you have to lift them.

I think the biggest thing in the Premier League is the divide between the people who have and the people who haven't.

In football if you don't spend the money well enough it comes back to bite you, over not one season but two or three!

There are loads of good principles we've lost as a nation. Discipline. Organisation. Respect. I was brought up with those.

There are too many people coming out of school and heading into a life of nothing. They go straight on the dole or into crime.

I think football is a reflection on life and society and you have to move with the times. I've moved with the times, I've had to.

If you're a manager in the Premier League the pressure is enormous because if you don't win matches, you'll not be there very long.

I hope Darren Moore is a good manager, when he was my captain at Portsmouth, he could lead battleships out of water, he was that good.

When you lose a game you still get as disappointed, 24 years on. Losing a game of football, even when you have played well, kills you.

Referees will make good decisions and bad ones. But when they make decisions actually affecting a game of football, it's disappointing.

Stoke-on-Trent - forget about the football club, or the people at the football club, and the supporters - Stoke-on-Trent is a wonderful place.

When things aren't right, I can overreact because of the fear of losing everything. The insecurity drives me, and helps keep my feet on the ground.

Respect for people who employ you, respect for people you work with, respect for the job you're doing is enormous for me. I adhere to those principles.

Whether it's the internet, radio, television, there are always areas of debate, but you have to accept it. The media now has become an absolute monster.

The great thing for me is I wasn't a great player - I managed at the lower level and managed to be successful and that gives great hope to everyone else.

My biggest concern for the country is that many kids are now just looking at their parents who've lived on benefit and think that's the norm. It's so sad.

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