Love whoever you want to love.

I love the idea of being an Aries.

I've been told that I have no filter.

I don't see the point of grumpy people.

My thoughts are ridiculously loud and fast.

To play anybody real and famous is very scary.

I don't have a lot of instinctive fashion style myself.

I always go for the underdog or the rogue or the rebel.

[Princess Margaret] was always trying to radicalize things.

My hair has been so wrecked over the years by various things.

As I'm getting older, I feel like maybe I need to grow up a bit.

I try to focus on each day and try to be the best I can be today.

I'm not interested in being known for anything other than the work.

Just simple things - I like black and white, monochrome; I like suits.

I would argue [princess] Margaret is the tragic figure of the century.

As a person, I'm incredibly overfamiliar. I have to be careful what I say!

When you see yourself on a 40-ft. screen. you go, 'Oh My God! I look so weird!'

People are so much more fascinated by the royal family generally than in England.

I'm not a model. I don't really think much about how I look. If I did, I'd go mad.

Wherever you are in the world, whoever you are with, sometimes you feel desperately lonely.

Chris McQuarrie cast me in 'Mission Impossible' because he'd seen 'The Crown' and loved it.

I became completely obsessed with the Royal family, or at least the psychology behind them.

[Queen Elizabeth] is just the granny queen! She's our granny queen who shakes people's hands!

I did apply for drama school when I was 17, and I didn't get in; I had a really bad audition.

Before filming 'The Crown,' I couldn't care less about the royal family. But now... I'm obsessed.

You are what you think. I really believe that. And I don't think you ever stop doubting yourself.

I really enjoyed stepping into that side of [princess Margaret] and being silly and naughty and fun.

That external struggle mirrors the struggle of this life force of energy that [princess Margaret] was.

What your insides are doing, your outside reflects, and what you give to yourself, you can give to others.

Some of my favourite characters have been people like Masha in 'Three Sisters' and Elena in 'Uncle Vanya.'

I always saw myself as a stage actress, and that was the reason I wanted to act, but very slowly, I've changed.

So many times, you pick up a script, and you think, 'OK, so she's the sexy one,' or, 'She's the ex-girlfriend.'

My dad is a big extrovert - he's a doctor - but he always loved Shakespeare, and he took us to tons of theater.

Acting is a very weird job. But if you know you're an actor, you just have to do it. You can't do anything else.

I've got a really tight group of friends from university and school who help me forget what I do and keep me grounded.

My dad is a big extrovert - he's a doctor - but he always loved [William] Shakespeare and he took us to tons of theater.

You're always one of the only girls, because there are so many male writers, and there are not enough good parts for women.

I never want to make any characters one-dimensional, especially as women can often be portrayed as the dark one or the evil one.

I've always been so uninterested in playing any kind of archetype of some pure, innocent, virginal woman. I just don't believe it.

I watched tons of archive footage of princess Margaret and listened to the music she loved; that was really immersive and brilliant.

I love the Sixties and all those iconic women, Bridget Bardot and things like that, so I tend to lean towards those sorts of things.

I hate the idea of massive fame. I think the scariest thing for an actor is when your name becomes bigger than your craft or what you can do.

I've been really lucky to work with a lot of theater directors in the film, like Stephen Daldry on 'The Crown' and Richard Eyre on 'The Dresser.'

My favourite thing is cooking for my friends. There are 13 of us who all met at university. They come round once a week, and I make a huge lasagne.

I watched her do speeches, but the only footage we could find of [princess] Margaret was archive footage, which was of her public presentation of herself.

It's quite rare that you find something that you can quite literally have an absolute ball doing, as well as the tough stuff and the difficult stuff and the pain.

I went to a very academic school, but I never really quite... I think because not that many people were particular creative or arty, I felt a little bit different.

I've always been pretty indifferent towards the royal family. I went on a school trip once to Buckingham Palace, and all I can remember is that it was really boring.

We know all about actors and singers because they do interviews, but with the royals, everything's so tightly controlled. They live this strange reality behind closed doors.

I do tend to find when you're playing characters, often - just for the time you're playing them - there are sides of your personality that get stronger because you draw on them more.

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