I'm a little angry in life.

I really enjoy being an actor!

I grew up watching 'Raging Bull.

I grew up watching 'Raging Bull.'

You can't escape from what you are.

The only person standing in your way is you.

There's only so much you can control in life.

I have learned that acting is not about beauty.

I love Cartier. They are the classic French jeweller.

I think I'm actually more vulnerable than people imagine.

To work with somebody you love makes filming faster, more fun.

I worked with young directors all my life, only young directors.

My father danced a lot. He was called 'the French Fred Astaire.'

Perfection is not just about control, it is also about letting go.

Good guys need to be a little dirty otherwise they're just boring.

The minute I started being recognised, I became much more discreet.

They say the day you lose your parents, you start to look like them.

If most women are looking for security, I think men look for adventure.

You usually never know what you're going to do when you're making a movie.

I think American audiences like gangster movies. It's part of the culture.

The day after I had my licence to drive, I made Paris/Nice at 230 km/hour.

I always had the sense of being in the spotlight, being on stage, being looked at.

I think American audiences like gangster movies. You know, it's part of the culture.

I always compare human beings to animals. It's a nice way to figure out who they are.

If kids really made all the parents better, there wouldn't be crazy kids in the world.

I don't really shop any more. I only do it when I have to. I think it is very overrated.

As an actor, I think you should always disappear a little. I act in order to lose myself.

I know that what I see in every religious person is not something I want to teach my kids.

When you appear on the screen, often enough you become sexy, even if you look like an elephant.

When you see violence in movies in general, it's very quick and painless, which isn't what it's like.

My father is best known for his light comedies, and Im best known for crazy bad guys with short tempers.

My father is best known for his light comedies, and I'm best known for crazy bad guys with short tempers.

Since I was a child, I have had this feeling that the most important work I'd do would be with my family.

In Italy, it is difficult to see a film in the original language because the voice actors here are a mafia.

I have a tendency to think that when you portray baddies in movies, they come out more human than good guys.

Blood, especially fake, and guns, this is bullshit. It works in the movie, but on set it doesn't work for me.

Cinema is entertainment, and people go to the movies because they want to feel good and forget about everything.

I come from an acting family, my father was an actor, and I had to fight my way and just create my own identity.

My character in 'La Haine,' he's not bad; he's unhappy, and usually, people are like that. Most of us are angry.

Actually, I never work in movies for money. I'm glad when I get well-paid, but it's not always the case - trust me.

French people are never happy with what they have. They're always complaining. They're happy when they're complaining.

Hollywood, for me, is the studios. It's a way to produce. It's a different way to make movies, and I never took part in that.

And now I have a big house, nice clothes and I travel in first class and I love it, so maybe it's time to enjoy being a star.

I'm producing more, but I think to direct, one has to have a burning desire, and that's not me. I'd rather do something else.

It's always interesting to see a director trying different things, and on top of it, doing it right each and almost every time.

From my point of view, I'm a totally normal person! Really! I have a family. I have kids. I have a house... I don't have a dog.

I've always loved the idea of changing myself, wearing costumes and disguises. It takes you back to being a kid, to dressing up.

I used to be more self-conscious about style because when you're younger, you want to exist, you want to show everything you do.

I wear a lot of wigs as Jacques Mesrine. He'd wear multiple wigs and take them off one at a time to rob three banks in one hour.

People look up to Jacques Mesrine as if he were a Robin Hood, stealing from the rich, but he never gave anything back to anybody.

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