I don't play golf.

I suck at sleeping.

Art is made in hindsight.

Criticism doesn't worry me.

Ironic things are interesting.

I do fashion to tell a narrative.

DJing is like a great tasteful art form.

I hate being up onstage with a microphone.

I don't sleep as much as normal people do.

There's no line between a designer and consumer.

Everything I do references something that influenced me.

I interned at Fendi while Michael Burke was overseeing Fendi.

Clothing interests me, but it's not the endpoint of my interest.

I think the reason why Off-White exists is to modernize fashion.

My first degree was in structural engineering, which is super-boring.

I think that, in a digital age, album covers are becoming a lost art.

I just wanna start a brand that inspires and is geared towards youth.

My dad is a Ghanaian immigrant, and he wanted a son who was an engineer.

I like to look at fashion and relate it to the time when it was happening.

I believe in the romantic interchange between intellectuals about fashion.

I always live in multiple places. I'm never in the same city for seven days.

You can look at Lil Uzi and know he has a strong opinion about his aesthetic.

I always joke that, at any given time, I'm supposed to be at two other places.

I'm not really into style. I'm more into confidence or having something to say.

Every idea that comes to mind I execute, or I look for outlets to put out ideas.

The amount of random conversations that lead to culture-shifting ideas is insane.

As a young designer in tune with culture, I'm interested in the lifeline of trends.

I don't want to be a celebrity designer. I want to keep my personal life out of it.

I want to put culture on a track so that it becomes more inclusive, more open source.

Collaboration is not a punchline... I only collaborate with the best in each category.

My lifestyle doesn't really account for movies. I can't even remember what I last saw.

The fashion consumer likes a high-low mix - I want to be a brand that represents that.

The most valuable thing in culture is to find something first - so everyone is always looking.

I'm fascinated by the idea that a human connection can be triggered through inanimate devices.

When creativity melds together with global issues, I believe you can bring the world together.

I'm mostly into buying art from friends. I like to keep it vague - just whatever I find intriguing.

I'd do anything at the right time, and I would also do things at the wrong time if they felt right.

Pyrex Vision's first season was, for me, an expression of myself as an artist first, designer second.

My graphic design skills are superior to a lot of other things I can do; I use it as a part of my tool kit.

My friends and me, we're the type that don't care. We're not into fashion. That's, like, millennial spirit.

I'm always trying to prove to my 17-year-old self that I can do creative things I thought weren't possible.

Murakami's ability to deconstruct and his aesthetic and conceptual freedom have been totally inspiring for me.

People that are able to think in terms of concepts and offer us valuable forms of art are very exciting to me.

The best New Year's resolution I ever made was probably to, like, pursue fashion in the spirit that I have now.

I'm constantly inspired by my friends and the people I surround myself with and the cities that I'm traveling to.

What I love about tennis is the gracefulness. It's an aggressive and powerful game, but it takes touch and finesse.

I don't come up with ideas in a test tube; I come up with ideas by breaking test tubes. That's how I've always been.

I've always had this in some ways pessimistic and in some ways realistic idea that I'm the lowest rung on the ladder.

Growing up, at high school, we all used to wear Champion garments, which, in America, are standard-issue gym uniforms.

From my perspective, I'm trying to stand for a generation. You know, each generation has designers who go along with it.

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