I am what is around me.

Money is a kind of poetry.

Man is an eternal sophomore.

Poetry is the scholar's art.

The imperfect is our paradise.

Poetry is a means of redemption.

Life is not free from its forms.

The mind can never be satisfied.

God and the imagination are one.

Disillusion is the last illusion.

The mind is smaller than the eye.

All poetry is experimental poetry.

Thought tends to collect in pools.

I was the world in which I walked.

Poetry is an abstraction bloodied.

The word is the making of the world

Realism is a corruption of reality.

God is in me or else is not at all.

We live in an old chaos of the sun.

How red the rose that is the soldier

Next to love is the desire for love.

One's ignorance is one's chief asset.

Make the visible a little hard to see.

One must read poetry with one's nerves.

Anything is beautiful if you say it is.

Sentimentality is a failure of feeling.

True villains are extremely photogenic.

Life is the elimination of what is dead.

The poet is the priest of the invisible.

Imagination is the will of things. . . .

Poetry increases the feeling for reality.

The poet makes silk dresses out of worms.

A change of style is a change of meaning.

The fire burns as the novel taught it how.

Fromage and coffee and cognac and no gods.

It can never be satisfied, the mind, never.

the windy sky Cries out a literate despair.

The imagination is man's power over nature.

Our bloom is gone. We are the fruit thereof.

The point of vision and desire are the same.

God is gracious to some very peculiar people.

Words of the world are the life of the world.

It is the belief and not the god that counts.

Revolution Is the affair of logical lunatics.

The only emperor is the emperor of ice cream.

The sea Severs not only lands but also selves.

The imagination is one of the forces of nature.

Imagination...is the irrepressible revolutionist.

The summer night is like a perfection of thought.

I still feel the need of some imperishable bliss.

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