I treasure my privacy.

I don't like white walls.

My bark is worse than my bite.

I think weddings are ridiculous.

Don't mistake my tears for weakness.

Five percent Lycra makes anything fit.

I don't wear slacks, but I Iike jeans.

I have Graves' disease and hyperthyroid.

Weight was a big thing for me to overcome.

My favorite food is the food I eat by myself.

I think authenticity is the name of the game.

Learning and entertaining can go hand-in-hand.

Reality shows aren't for overly educated people.

I love dresses best because I enjoy being a woman.

I'm a quick wit, straight to the point, no nonsense.

Ten years of being on TV, I'd never taken a sick day.

I think that mental illness is something that is so real.

I would like the Hunter Foundation to outlive everything.

I think the biggest issue for women in the workplace is men!

Family and personal life always come first and career second.

Being tall and big was probably more painful than being black.

I've learned to be extremely healthy regarding morning eating.

I view myself as a multicultural woman who happens to be black.

Mixtapes were the soundtrack, back in my day, of peoples' lives.

Radio is not a high-paying job; I just enjoyed being on the radio.

When I make a promise about keeping something in confidence, I do.

My blood pressure is always either perfect or low. It's never high.

In real life, I'm frugal. And, yes, I do love to shop at Marshall's.

I love the grocery store. I would never have my groceries delivered.

I grew up in a single-family detached house. My parents are wonderful.

You know I don't want to fall. I'm a tall woman, and it's a long way down.

I enjoy leading a well-rounded life. Believe me, I don't take it for granted.

The more celebrities I meet, the more disappointed I get in celebrity culture.

I can't change my skin. I won't change my voice. I can't change my confidence.

I know things about R. Kelly that I will take to my grave - unless he tells them.

My first diet was in the first grade! Tuna fish and mustard with yogurt on the side.

I don't believe in diet pills. I don't want my heart to race and pop out of my chest.

Don't fault me for wearing a 20-inch blond wig - it doesn't mean I want to be a white person.

I keep a steady supply of paintbrushes and canvases. I like to paint. I'm not some great artist.

If you pay close attention, you'll notice we continually hear about basically the same 150 celebrities.

There's a lot of smart women doing dumb things with their health, and I fell into that category as well.

I wanted to do the kind of show that I would want to watch as a busy wife, mother, and midde-aged woman.

I have been reporting on celebrity stuff my whole career and am very aware that fame is a slippery slope.

The war on drugs is very, very real, and the war on helping people with mental illness is very, very real.

The landscape of daytime has changed. I'm not so sure people go to daytime TV for kumbaya moments anymore.

I know it's hard to let go of people that have been with you forever. Sometimes it's time to call it a day.

I love to travel with my own hot sauce, and I have it in packets so I no longer have to be disturbed by TSA.

I think of myself as the queen of lounging. No lounge queen is complete without lounge clothes and house wigs.

Thank God I am 20 feet tall, so my crying is never mistaken as weak. It can be mistaken as weird, but not weak.

When you're an outsider or a misfit, if you play it smart, your motto should be, 'I'll show 'em. I will show you.'

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