Life should be fun not dumb

Sometimes you grow out of love.

I notice people that look good.

The fans make the person a star.

I'm bad at returning phone calls.

I connect with people on a daily basis.

Being known for musicals is a great thing.

When I'm stylizing, it's all about accessories.

There's no point in being scared of just trying.

I want to be a well-rounded, versatile performer.

I'm not getting married until I'm forty. If ever.

High School Musical has been a blessing and a gift.

I'll never try to put on a fake image. I'm just Zac.

I left home at 17 and I've been on the road ever since.

Every day is a new experience and I take it as it comes.

Fame is probably the most unadorable thing about acting.

I bought an electric scooter in sixth grade. Bankrupted me.

Every time you make a movie you have to confront your fears.

If I splurge on anything, it's cologne. I love smelling good.

I think it’s fine for girls to ask boys out. I actually prefer it.

I think it's fine for girls to ask boys out. I actually prefer it.

A girl can tell I like her when I blush or start telling bad jokes.

Working out is my biggest hobby. It's my Zen hour. I just zone out.

I can draw really well. And I like to paint. I'm a bit of an artist.

I can't remember. . . . My character was sort of unconscious for it.

I think the most important thing for me in a relationship is honesty.

Personally, I was never the cool kid. I was always sort of a bookworm.

Great advice comes from people that have been around a lot longer than you.

If there's a party and they won't let my friends in, I'd leave. No question.

I've grown up a lot, I'm on my own, and I've learned some valuable life lessons.

From day one, I got addicted to being on stage and getting the applause and laughter.

I might not be the greatest actor, but I walk into every project willing to work hard.

Think on your toes, use what's around you, and come up with something organic and fun.

I like when a girl knows what she looks like and dresses to accentuate those features.

Think on your toes, use what’s around you, and come up with something organic and fun.

If you really want your hair to look good, just don't wash it for a day. That's my secret.

I can’t explain to you what it’s like to be a heartthrob. I don’t think I am a heartthrob.

I've always loved dogs. I grew up with them and I love working with them. They're really fun.

Without a doubt, I'd love to do Broadway. I actually can't wait to get back to musical theater.

I like to go and do something adventurous. I like to go out and do some sort of crazy activity.

Every time I go to big events, it's a trip. I feel like that kid who shouldn't really be there.

The more attention you give to the paparazzi, the more it just, like, validates everything . . .

It's not that I'm opposed to doing a big-budget action movie. But it has to be the right project.

When you're young everything feels like the end of the world, but its not; its just the beginning.

The most important thing for me is honesty. Just be honest and up front. I think that's the hardest.

I believe in destiny. I believe destiny opens doors for you, but it's up to you to walk through them.

You can't describe the feeling of being in love - when you meet someone who makes you a better person.

I don't think music is done by any means. I would love to do it again but it's finding the right thing.

You don't really know how beautiful a girl is, until you meet her, all her beauty is in her personality.

Sometimes, especially when it's cold, I get dry skin, so I scratch a lot. I scratch my arms incessantly.

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