Tennessee Williams moves my soul.

I have a very short attention span.

For me, food is all about nostalgia.

If you cut me open I bleed East London.

I like clothes that feel fresh and surprising.

I've always acted, it's my passion and belief system.

I love writing with pen and paper; I hate technology.

A lobster roll and a few glasses of fizz and I'm happy.

I have no idea how to ever sell myself in a snazzy way.

Art galleries are the best first date spots for my money.

I plan on having a long career. I don't want to burn out.

I'm someone who likes to explore the complexities in people.

Being yourself, or being judged as yourself, is really scary.

Relief is not a word that ever enters my mind, about anything.

Often when you're working on dark material, the atmosphere is fun.

I got into a habit really early about not talking about work, ever.

I don't tend to go into any job thinking about the audience reaction.

I know I'm different and I don't fit in to any kind of generic mould.

I'm a keen experimenter in the kitchen. With food, not with anything else!

As a director I would love to work with Marion Cotillard. She's so magical.

The first stage play I ever did was a school play called 'The Wishing Chair.'

My mum took me to see 'The Wizard of Oz' when I was about three and I was blown away.

When I'm doing a play like 'Betrayal,' I have to be careful not to get stimulation overload.

Honestly, the life of a serial character on television, I'd love to write an essay about it.

When you get to do things you love with every fiber of your being, it's a different experience.

I do always try and do work that I'm going to be interested in talking about when it's released.

I wanted to quit acting and as soon as I decided that, the call for 'Velvet Buzzsaw' came through.

I think there's still a feeling within society, entertainment aside, that women are less funny than men.

I used 'Saved by the Bell: The College Years' as my reference point really for my 'Fresh Meat' experience.

It's wonderful that newer brands such as Fenty are making clear statements about being for all skin tones.

What sometimes annoys me about the arts is increasingly that we have to put real people on screen or stage.

My real life memory of leaving Uni is an overwhelming excitement to be going home but also a weird numbness.

I've had doors slammed in my face, I've been shouted at in my face in meetings when I've stood up for myself.

I just always play these really extreme characters - they've all come with parental guidance stickers on them.

Dreams of a Life' and 'Fresh Meat' have left me on such a high. I'm not complaining but I'm not complacent either.

Living with the notion that you might never have a permanent spot in the world is really quite a powerful metaphor.

Todd Solondz is a film maker I've always loved because of how he balances darkness, humour and surrealism in his films.

I've always wanted to live somewhere extremely nice like Sloane Square… although that would probably be too nice for me.

Mum got me involved in every activity under the sun - singing, dancing and drama classes at the Anna Scher theatre school.

Anyone who's been an usher knows it's a training in resilience. But you get such a film education. And the popcorn's free.

One of the first plays I ever did was at the Royal Court Theatre in London; it was the first play I got after drama school.

We live in a capitalist society and if we're talking about the people at the bottom of the food chain, it's women of colour.

I do think about moving out of London a lot, whether that's L.A., whether that's Margate with half of the other Hackneyites.

I love the visual medium of film and TV. I love the science of it, working with the sound and the lighting and every aspect.

When you work in film sets, when you're working on projects that are male dominated, you are always treated as the last priority.

I want to be a successful actor, never a famous star. Because one is an organic meal that will sustain you, and the other is toxic.

I'm just coming to terms with the fact that I will always do lots of different things and I can't really stay in one place too long.

I'm Hackney born and bred and find it hard to call anywhere else home despite the extreme ongoing gentrification which gets me down.

I'm training in martial arts. It's a whole new world for me and I'm loving it. I do that or hot yoga; I have to do some kind of exercise.

Some people shun the idea of role models but I think it's one of the most important things people have in life - role models, to look up to.

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