There are no hidden depths to me.

I personally always hated Pop art.

I primarily buy art to show it off.

My knowledge of art ended at impressionism.

Don't spoil a good story by telling the truth.

We lose dignity if we tolerate the intolerable.

Love and the search for truth are unifying principles.

I was a liberated woman long before there was a name for it.

Win as though you were used to it, and lose as if you like it.

Perhaps only silence and love do justice to a great work of art

Be the Worst You Can Be: Life's Too Long for Patience and Virtue

[When asked how many husbands she had had:] My own, or other people's?

I regularly find myself waking up to art I passed by or simply ignored.

Artists need a lot of collectors, all kinds of collectors, buying their art.

My aim in life isn't so much the pursuit of happiness as the happiness of pursuit.

Venice is not only a city of fantasy and freedom. It is also a city of joy and pleasure.

I spoil my children rotten and hope to leave them enough so they can do the same to theirs.

I was much more interested in literature than I was in art. I just got into art by mistake.

[On amassing art for her collection:] My motto was 'Buy a picture a day' and I lived up to it.

When a critic knows what she or he is looking at and writes revealingly about it, it's sublime.

If you can't take a good kicking, you shouldn't parade how much luckier you are than other people.

If anything can rival Venice in its beauty, it must be its reflection at sunset in the Grand Canal.

Art collectors are pretty insignificant in the scheme of things. What matters and survives is the art.

I don't buy art just to make artists happy any more than I want to make them sad if I sell their work.

Being a good artist is the toughest job you could pick, and you have to be a little nuts to take it on.

Nothing is as uplifting as standing before a great painting whether it was painted in 1505 or last Tuesday.

I took advice from none but the best. I listened, how I listened! That's how I finally became my own expert.

Many people cycle or swim to keep trim. But if swimming is so good for the figure, how do you explain whales?

There are no rules about investment. Sharks can be good. Artist's dung can be good. Oil on canvas can be good.

My dark little secret is that I don't actually believe many people in the art world have much feeling for art.

Having plenty of time and all the museum's funds at my disposal, I put myself on a regime to buy one picture a day.

I thought it would be nice to marry Virgil [Thomson] to have a musical background, but I never got far with the project.

I don't buy art in order to leave a mark or to be remembered; clutching at immortality is of zero interest to anyone sane.

I have asked to have no funeral, and no memorial service. I hate other people's and would certainly not appreciate my own.

I find the theatre faintly embarrassing for the actors performing on stage. It seems rather showy-off in an undignified way.

I wore one of my Tanguy earrings and one made by Calder in order to show my impartiality between Surrealist and Abstract Art.

I have never cared enough about money to worry about spending it, and have been fortunate to make enough to be spoiled rotten.

If you study a great work of art, you'll probably find the artist was a kind of genius. And geniuses are different to you and me.

I can't write. I can handle bits of simple-minded advert copy or a poster slogan, so answering questions is about all I'm good for.

Artistic credentials are au courant in the important business of being seen as cultured, elegant and, of course, stupendously rich.

By and large, talent is in such short supply that mediocrity can be taken for brilliance rather more than genius can go undiscovered.

But nobody is visually naive any longer. We are cluttered with images, and only abstract art can bring us to the threshold of the divine.

The art critics on some of Britain's newspapers could as easily have been assigned gardening or travel, and been cheerfully employed for life.

In a world filled with mistrust, armed to the teeth and ready to explode, a realistic attitude might be to consider love as an imperative need.

I have spent too long being able to manipulate the answers I want from market research to rely upon its findings any more than I do weather forecasts.

The fact that in the last 10 years only five of the 40 Turner Prize nominees have been painters tells you more about curators than about the state of painting today.

Nobody can give you advice after you've been collecting for a while. If you don't enjoy making your own decisions, you're never going to be much of a collector anyway.

I don't know very many people in the art world, only socialise with the few I like, and have little time to gnaw my nails with anxiety about any criticism I hear about.

My mother's one idea was to sacrifice her life to her children and she had done nothing else since the death of my father. We wished that she had married again instead.

What should move us to action is human dignity: the inalienable dignity of the oppressed, but also the dignity of each of us. We lose dignity if we tolerate the intolerable.

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