Hopefully in the future, generational challenges will be measured by achievement, not gender.

I know what the attitudes of the readers are: These are guys who love women and respect women.

Oracle has grown and advanced because we've been consistently willing to cannibalize ourselves.

In college, my big money memory was saving up to buy a car with my boyfriend, whom I lived with.

I'm certainly proud of the transformation of Playboy from a magazine to a multimedia corporation.

In any endeavor, you have to understand your tolerance for risk. What's a failure you can afford?

Any city has to give some thought to its ambition and brand in order to set sustainability goals.

I think health care is absolutely ripe. It's an $8 trillion industry, lots of inefficiency in it.

I like to say it's an attitude of not just thinking outside the box, but not even seeing the box.

Well, I grew up around the magazine and was part of a generation that was embracing our sexuality.

Any brand that attempts to live off a retro appeal is only going through a short second life cycle.

You can learn more about leadership by reading about Lincoln than you can from most business books.

I think, given who the IBM target company is, I feel our purpose is to be essential to our clients.

I don't think you can know too many smart people. I don't think you should ever stop meeting people.

Every part of your business will change based on what I consider predictive analytics of the future.

There is a huge gap between what students want for their future and what their schools are offering.

You've got to keep reinventing. You'll have new competitors. You'll have new customers all around you.

SAP is a great company, but they have their work cut out for them if they want to compete in databases.

Someone once told me growth and comfort do not coexist. And I think it’s a really good thing to remember.

Someone once told me growth and comfort do not coexist. And I think it's a really good thing to remember.

I don't think the Playboy brand has changed much at all - it's always been sophisticated and aspirational.

I would have worked no matter what. I was born and raised that way. It occurred to me to be married second.

Whether someone signs something is not what's important. It's what they do and how they do it that matters.

Most of the largest software companies in the world today are based on Oracle, and they were once startups.

If it's digital, it will be cognitive. If you think that, you're going to change the way you run a business.

The way that we are going to solve social problems is by working with multiple different types of investing.

I had an allowance, but I had to do things around the house to earn it. I think I always wanted my own money.

If you step back and look at technology from every era, it has displaced jobs but also created a lot of jobs.

To me, I learned along the way, you know, culture is behavior. That's all it is; culture is people's behaviors.

The world has more winnable people than ever before but it is possible to come out of a ripe field empty-handed.

How about we agree upon what our common American values are, which is lets make this a true land of opportunity.

Clients say, 'What's your strategy,' and I say, 'Ask me what I believe first.' That's a far more enduring answer.

How about we agree upon what our common American values are, which is let's make this a true land of opportunity.

The innovation and creativity that's so manifest in the rest of society needs to be turned on our school systems.

I'm among the many Chicagoans who love to take advantage of the opportunity to dine outdoors in the summer months.

Digital India is about empowering the citizen - it's mobile, it's cloud, it's storage - we are in all those areas.

The recommendation when I'm mentoring folks, I always tell them - and we talked about this last year - take a risk.

It is not a coincidence that Fusion middleware and applications have the same name. We knew what we needed it to be.

The people who relate to Playboy, both readers and people who produce it, are not the way the critics think they are.

To me, saying you're not a feminist should be like saying you're a racist. It should be that politically unacceptable.

I think of Chicago as a great entrepreneur city, a city that supports its own, that isn't as jaded as New York and L.A.

You have to stick up for what you believe in. And that, to me, is the biggest thing you can do about driving inclusion.

To do what you wanna do, to leave a mark - in a way that you think is important and lasting - that's a life well-lived.

I ask everyone's opinion when they don't speak up. And then when they have an opinion, I'll ask others to talk about it.

My relationship with money is that it's a tool to be self-sufficient, but it's not something that is a part of who I am.

When you're on a scale like we are in 170 countries and hundreds of thousands of people, you have a single point of view.

One day we're going to look back, and whatever this era will get called, it's going to put a premium on math and science.

It's critical to simplify and run the business in such a way that resources are released to invest in your main business.

I prefer tailored clothes. I always have. But I find that whatever I wear, people see it as charged with symbolic meaning.

If you ask me, 'So what is your business model?' Our business model's always about shifting to higher value opportunities.

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