I just want to build great products.

I like things in their proper places.

We don't like trading agony for money

I don't think vengeance is much good.

You always learn lessons in business.

Analogue dollars for digital pennies.

Live with passion. Live with purpose.

Work is at the core of human dignity.

There are no failures, only quitters.

Actresses are kind of a little crazy.

I'm a full disclosure kind of person.

A manager is an assistant to his men.

You are more powerful than you think.

I think normalization is a good thing.

Success is on the far side of failure.

I don't like paying 50 per cent of tax.

I'm not that hands-on as a grandfather.

Massage is very important for relaxing.

Opportunity comes to the prepared mind.

Most of us can't even begin to imagine.

I'm a big supporter of President Obama.

Go to bed smarter than when you woke up.

I call myself the assistant cult leader.

There are no ugly women, only lazy ones.

The country [India] is doing far better.

'Perfect' is the enemy of 'good enough'.

I've got a gut feeling in my stomach. . .

I'm a commercial person, not an academic.

All sensible investing is value investing

I have always focused on the bottom line.

Just keep your head down and do your best.

I've been around the bend in corporations.

[Falling pound] makes us more competitive.

Don't worry what others are doing. Do you!

I swim every other day. That's my exercise.

The West is not producing enough engineers.

We are totally open kimono with regulators.

Do you hear the rain? Do you hear the rain?

The common denominator for success is work.

I'm not intense at all. I'm always relaxed.

Apple doesn't do hobbies as a general rule.

Nobody can honestly say that they never lie.

We have a passion for keeping things simple.

Collecting is more than just buying objects.

I can't help from making money, that is all.

More traffic means more advertising dollars.

India needs to sustain its high growth rate.

I did not come all this way not to interfere

Everybody at home speaks mandarin except me.

I don't eat anything that runs away from me.

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