Why work when you can fill out a few forms and get paid for doing nothing?

The old boys' club of closed tennis court relationships is on the way out.

If you have the opportunities of Berkshire, an investment in gold is dumb.

Spend each day trying to be a little wiser than you were when you woke up.

If it happens every year like clockwork, what's so extraordinary about it?

We don't have any miraculous way of avoiding taxes at Wesco and Berkshire.

Most people don't grab the right ideas or don't know what to do with them.

No one ever made a million bucks by being cautious or timid or reasonable.

I never stay anywhere — parties , museums, meetings — longer than 3 hours.

I don't see myself as a great discoverer of artists, like Charles Saatchi.

The unions no longer control the education agenda of the Democratic Party.

The best antidote to worry, I have always believed, is work and more work.

It doesn't matter how shaky a woman's hand is. She can still apply makeup.

It's important to focus on what we do best and master one craft at a time.

You want to be the pebble in the pond that creates the ripples for change.

Women like myself, CEOs, can pave the way for more women to get to the top.

Investing is where you find a few great companies and then sit on your ass.

Trying to prioritize among things we're unlikely to do is pretty fruitless.

Wells Fargo behaves better than the average big bank. But nobody's perfect.

Avoid evil, particularly if they're attractive members of the opposite sex.

The perfect example of Darwinism is what technology has done to businesses.

I don't want to be in the film business. I'm not even sure it's a business.

Good regulation should be conducive to business and to customer protection.

We're not fair weather friends. We've been in places for a long, long time.

The best way to look at any business is from the standpoint of the clients.

I would rather hire a man with enthusiasm, than a man who knows everything.

Our cup will truly run over only after we have sealed the character cracks.

After it is all over, the religion of man is his most important possession.

I don't mind what people say about me. I've never read a book about myself.

You need Black [people] sometimes to understand things about Black culture.

The bigger your mission becomes, the greater inspiration you will be given.

People shouldn't have to spend a lot of money to get high-quality clothing.

Too often, we have tended to fall into a trap of creating plain hamburgers.

The future of television is what our competitors have been doing for years.

Almost all good businesses engage in 'pain today, gain tomorrow' activities.

What harm is there in making 100,000 people happy on a hot summer afternoon?

I am not embarrassed to be a banker. I am not embarrassed to be in business.

Prime Minister Modi [Narendra] is strong enough, and he's accomplished much.

I wanted to pursue chemical engineering because I thought it was the future.

I have always looked at my competencies before accepting any responsibility.

A professorship appeals very much because I enjoy being with younger people.

Investment in training is a huge necessity for knowledge-based corporations.

When you really understand who you are, it enables you to fight and believe.

My father left me with a clear sense that the media was something different.

I produced Run DMC. I produced some early records, lots of records early on.

The best way to supervise your men is from their reports that they make out.

Certainly some things that are very good can sometimes be used in a bad way.

Our goal has never been to make the most. It's always been to make the best.

Al Jazeera is known in the Arab world as the voice of freedom of expression.

The best thing a human being can do is to help another human being know more.

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