Living in South Africa has had a very profound impact on my career.

We didn't know how to run a business, but we had dreams and talent.

If we can put a man on the moon, we can make pantyhose comfortable.

I aim to be pretty - I gave up dressing to be sexy in the eighties.

The cost of stability is often diminished opportunities for growth.

We can help families buy their homes and invest in their educations.

At their core, an influencer creates an empowering human connection.

Our government treats the LGBT community like second-class citizens.

My husband is absolutely opposed to any negative campaigning at all.

I think it's a great thing to support fashion and support designers.

I always envisioned myself having a traditional and elegant wedding.

Engineering is a jeans and hoodie culture, and sales is more formal.

Mobile is an incredibly fast-growing market and will continue to be.

Fame is not like a jacket. You can't put it on and then take it off.

The only difference is now more young black men are in the spotlight.

It has to be convenient. You have to be able to bank with me anytime.

My theme song is always: "Pay attention to your viewer. Follow them."

My theme song is always: 'Pay attention to your viewer. Follow them.'

When you're building a business, you're either all in, or you're not.

I think it is bad luck to put shoes on a table or walk under ladders.

The harder you work, the luckier you get. I'm a big believer in that.

Believe in yourself and negotiate for yourself. Own your own success.

It's not a male-dominated anything... It's WWE, and it's for anybody.

I believe you can achieve anything if you work hard enough to get it.

Rose is the most beautiful flower - it and tuberose are my favourites.

I wanted to be a journalist. The other thing I wanted to be was a spy.

We saw Hulu as an opportunity to broaden our audience for ABC content.

I take care of my daughter, because my family is very important to me.

I've done all this stuff because it's fun. It's never been about fame.

I like very strong guys. Successful guys. Not necessarily financially.

White men make up 30% of America but they hold 70% of the board seats.

We have to work on treating ourselves like we would treat our friends.

I am a control freak. I am very hands on and pay attention to details.

Santander gives you a unique opportunity to invest in the U.K. economy.

It is not about gender, it is about experience, leadership, and vision.

In New York City, the meek don't inherit the earth. The big mouth does.

Innovation and creativity are the juiciest parts of running a business.

No successful company has had ever been the product of just one person.

The whole point of social media is continuity and continual engagement.

I am very proud of my father and what he's accomplished. It is amazing.

Well, my mom was an Olympian, so we have some good genes on that front.

The Trump World Tower was home growing up, and it's where my office is.

I don't hire people who have to be told to be nice. I hire nice people.

On my worst day I always tell myself I'm not in a field picking cotton.

I dont like talking about any projects till they solidify and take off.

Im sometimes mistaken as the wife of the chairman. I just laugh it off.

Coming from Google, you don't exactly spend a lot of time at Microsoft.

Turning feelings into words can help us process and overcome adversity.

After my kids go to bed, I check email. It's about having that balance.

Even after his death, Tupac is as powerful as he was when he was living.

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