It is a whole lot easier to see our problems in others than it is to see them in ourselves.

Endurance? You've only got to get out there and do it. Face up to it: man was meant to run.

If you want to be great, do it. There’s nothing holding you back. It’s all in your control.

Softball is an easy sport to fall in love because our game is fast paced and action packed.

It was like a heart transplant. We tried to implant college in him but his head rejected it.

There's a tension in Washington that was undeniable. I could write my name in the air there.

The real purpose of running isn't to win a race, it's to test the limits of the human heart.

I'm a huge wrestling fan. Wrestlers have so many great qualities that athletes need to have.

No, I'm never pleased if we don't win some type of championship, meaning Big 12 or national.

Carson Wentz, when you watch him on tape, No. 1, I just like a big guy that has athleticism.

If you lose you better at least be entertaining while you do it or people will turn you off.

One of the main things I said in my job interview was that I want to develop female coaches.

I'm hoping for a bench clearing brawl during the warm up so I can go out and grab his stick.

The idea that you can't lose contact with the leaders has cut more throats than it has saved.

Charge-taking can be one effective way to affect the rim, but the whistle's gonna blow a lot.

When I do get in that environment around other coaches, I do have an extra bounce in my step.

I hope to create a culture here in Orlando where we're winning and we're having fun doing it.

It doesn't make much sense to blitz a guy that gets rid of the ball in less than 1.5 seconds.

On the balance beam, sometimes it's really hard to stay on if you're having some rough times.

So I hear they call you 'The Freak' Wow, that's quite a coincidence. They call me 'The Brain.'

My job is to show my clients that their anger is rarely someone else's fault. It's their flaw.

What is the cruelest thing you can do to someone who is trying to concentrate? Call their name.

The characteristic that every college football coach should look for in a wife is independence.

What's important to us is developing the habit of playing harder than our opponent every night.

I want you to be forever strong on the field, so that you will be forever strong off the field.

There is no question that Notre Dame has the best, biggest and finest name in college football.

It's a great club, Everton. You don't just go there to work; you have to be part of the family.

I wanted success. I was ambitious. I didn't leave United to see out my career picking up wages.

Football is all about repetition. The trick for a coach is to be innovative when you ask for it.

I got kicked out of the league because I had a hard time sustaining at the quarterback position.

Nobody talks about Shaq Thompson. I don't know what he is. He's like a nickel corner/linebacker.

The true test of a person's character is how they treat the people in life that they don't need.

Donnie Thomas is simply a superlative linebacker with everything it takes to be an all-American.

It's not the most conducive weather to play softball in, but you've got to come out and play it.

Runners don't run with their legs, they run ON their legs. In reality, they run with their Arms!

Whatever's most important to you is your god. If it's not the Rock Christ Jesus, then it's sand!

Just like all young players, there is a difference between being involved and just participating.

There's a competitive fire inside me. I can't get enough. I live to compete daily in my own life.

God made no mistakes when He created you. You were uniquely designed for success in your purpose.

There are champions everywhere. Every street's got them. All we need to do is train them properly.

I've got great respect for all the teams in the SEC as well as the Big 12, the Big Ten, on and on.

I feel a lot of unfinished business and loyalty and responsibility to get the Raiders going again.

Humor is not a sign of weakness. In fact, humor can be your greatest asset in the face of tragedy.

As bad as some of the teams in the NFL seem to be, they all have way more talent than any college.

I always say I'll rest when I die - that's my motto. I just hope I don't die before the World Cup!

My father, Orest, worked as a mechanic for the CNR and he got transferred to Dauphin from Winnipeg.

I don't plan on being disappointed. We plan on being really good, and obviously we plan on winning.

I'm not interested in athletics, I'm only interested in achievement. Fix your goal and work for it.

Coaching is about not being afraid to be challenged and, above all, trying to enjoy the experience.

Encourage kids to enjoy running and play in athletics. Don't force them to run too much competition.

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