I will never understand the appeal of the Hawaiian pizza.

Decision-making is a skill. Wisdom is a leadership trait.

The breadth of the potential readership is also a factor.

I'm thinking of killing everyone whose name is a palindrome

I was a clubber in the Nineties. I went dancing every week.

Online fundraising is so important to the Democratic Party.

Others control our opportunities, we control our readiness.

Of what import are brief, nameless lives . . . to Galactus?

Remember it's all just a mirror we made to see ourselves in.

A cannon fires only once but words detonate across centuries

I was stupid in a business way. I should have been greedier.

The glass is always completely full-half air and half liquid.

I see myself in everything I write. All the good guys are me.

I think the world has a place for gay superheroes, certainly.

There's a palace in your head, boy. Learn to live in it always.

I love doing research. It's like cheating, but with permission.

I think my work has become more interesting, well to me anyway.

I didn't break into comics to write fairytales or crime comics.

I don't really see a need to retire as long as I am having fun.

All things are possible, especially in the realm of superheroes.

As time went on, Thanos just sort of grew organically on his own.

Likewise, I see no shame in writing Captain America or Wolverine.

I love Marvel and the people there. Im glad I m still part of it.

There are no heritage concepts at Marvel or DC that are untouched.

Superman loves everyone. He's like Jesus except he punches people.

There's never a time when I'm not working. I don't take vacations.

Achilles, without his heel, you wouldn't even know his name today.

There's just something that feels nice about holding a comic book!

I love Marvel and the people there. I'm glad I'm still part of it.

Enough madness? Enough? And how do you measure madness? - The Joker

Truth speaks best in the language of poetry and symbolism, I think.

I think Batman has the Wolverine problem. I think he's overexposed.

I like my characters to go through some changes during a story arc.

I was just as crazy as everybody else post-Watergate, post-Vietnam.

June 2005 is the five year anniversary of the debut of Battle Pope.

I think superheroes are bigger than life and they're very colorful.

In God’s economy, vision should move from the fringes to the middle.

I'm the best there is at what I do but what I do best isn't very nice

I won't tell you again! Don't look back! In hell you never look back!

The things that divide us are stronger than the things that unite us.

Last year I think I made more from my Image books than anywhere else.

I think all artists need to try to improve, or their work gets stale.

I'm a fan myself, so I try to write the kind of comics I want to read.

Leaders don't ever "arrive." If we ever think we're done, we are done!

The truth is, we're all cyborgs with cell phones and online identities.

When was the last time you had a thought that wasn't put there by THEM?

Then I reminded myself that all intelligent children suffer bad dreams.

Most of my work is science fiction, with many a spaceship but few cars.

Organizations who win, think deeply, choose wisely, and act decisively.

I have trouble writing if I can't picture how things are going to look.

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