Even in the face of the greatest adversity, the key is to never lose hope, never lose sense of the dream that drives you.

Hell changes constantly but there are certain consistent landmarks which always stay in the same relation to one another.

I think you can't repeat beats. If you're doing something in one book, you can't do the exact same thing in another book.

Comics are stories; they're like novels or anything else. So the first thing you have to do is become a good storyteller.

All of the characters at Marvel were my ideas, but the ideas meant nothing unless I had somebody who could illustrate it.

Generally, if I can't be true to the creator's intention and spirit, I will probably shy away from working on a character.

There are forces at work you do not perceive. I weave a delicate strategy which rash actions could rend. Patience , please.

One similarity I see between peers and some of the people who read my books is that comics were definitely an outlet for us.

The more that we self-analyze ourselves, the nicer we are to people and to ourselves, and the more we understand each other.

And that's why people read comics, to get away from the way life works, which is quite cruel and unheroic and ends in death.

I don't wake up in the morning and say, wow I've got a great idea for a story. But I sit down, and I figure well, let's see.

I was in the beginning when [comic book superheroes] started, but not anymore. Now I expect it. I've gotten very used to it.

Charlie Huston, who showran the first season [of Powers], is a novelist, and likes to internalize fiction as a novelist does.

The moon is so beautiful. It's a big silver dollar, flipped by God. And it landed scarred side up, see? So He made the world.

We live in a diverse society - in fact, a diverse world - and we must learn to live in peace and with respect for each other.

If at some point Fox decides that the X-Men properties are no longer lucrative I'm sure that they will cut a deal with Disney.

I'm a frustrated actor. My ... goal is to beat Alfred Hitchcock in the number of cameos. I'm going to try to break his record.

I enjoy the fact that we have these mobile comics now, which are sort of a cross between a comic book and an animated cartoon.

I had a publisher who felt comics were just for little kiddies, so he never wanted me to use words of more than two syllables.

I don't take it for granted, because I saw the fruits of Stan's [Lee] 50-year labor, and I didn't have to wait 50 years myself.

One of the attractions for me of having 'Watchmen' made into the first Motion Comic was just that - it was breaking new ground.

I'm the evil mastermind behind the scenes. I'm the wicked puppeteer who pulls the strings and makes you dance. I'm your writer.

My greatest accomplishment so far is to keep selling enough that I never want for the labor that sustains my Presbyterian soul.

The seeds for the Descendants were planted in Uncanny X-Force, but I always conceived them as being bigger than just that book.

Captain Britain is not about representing an empire, he's about standing up for everyone and fighting for the betterment of all.

Thanos came to me while I was taking a psychology class in college after coming out of the service; the ol' Thanos/Eros concept.

Thanos was the first character I ever created professionally. He's always been the baby I return to whenever I work with Marvel.

I think James Bond is a spy. He's not superhuman. Calling him a superhero is like calling James Bond movies "comic-book movies."

I am so impressed with people who can really make a big movie, a good movie. The amount of work that goes into it is incredible.

It's totally irrational, patently insane to condemn an entire race - to despise an entire nation - to vilify an entire religion.

The only time I ever met a character that I wrote was when I met Ian McKellan, when he was playing Magneto in the 'X-Men' movies.

I write dozens and dozens of pages more than I need, and then edit them down to size. It's more like sculpture than construction.

These stories of people with unusual powers and unusual appearances, who do unusual things, people are always fascinated by them.

I thought it would be great to do superheroes that have the same kind of life problems that any reader - that anybody could have.

Artists are not your art monkeys. They are your collaborators. They should be given all due consideration to follow their journey.

Comics are a particularly esoteric field where you really learn how to do it, by doing it or by learning from other practitioners.

If there's ever a character who can only serve one metaphor, I'll probably tell one story with that character and be done with it.

The Hulk is rage personified, just, "I don't like something. Break it." And that's a great concept for a seven- or eight-year-old.

I think exactly the same qualities as men [women role model needs], exactly the same, which is kindness, courage and intelligence.

But honestly... I just don't know what anyone's thinking. To me, that's scarier than any half-rotten ghoul trying to eat my flesh.

When you combine the great stories from the comics with the action and visual excitement of the movies, it doesn't get any better!

He felt the hot impact of bullets. He heard the sound of chopping meat. He thought 'is that me?' . . . and then he opened his eyes.

I never thought that Spider-Man would become the world wide icon that he is. I just hoped the books would sell and I'd keep my job.

The first story I can remember writing, that I truly set down on paper, was a Christmas story that I wrote when I was ten years old.

I really like it when you can step outside of what's come before and find a surprise for the reader and find a surprise for yourself.

The goal with 'Alpha' was to run towards the cliches and then to break through them, and that doesn't change depending on the medium.

I was listening to the inclusiveness of Spider-Man, and why he's so appealing to so many people, but I didn't connect it all at first.

Einstein was wrong! I"M the speed of like CRACKING through shivery rainbows and GOD the sky whirls and withers like a melting RAINBOW!

I've always had a thing for theme parks and their less-glorious cousins, amusement parks, the carnival midway, and others of such ilk.

My only surprise when I saw Thanos up on the screen was how violet he was. I always saw his exposed hide as being more grayish violet.

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