It has always been my aim to live everyday like Halloween by celebrating individuality and creative freedom within a world of horror.

It was like I have always had big dreams for my drag aspirations, and I talked myself into doing 'Drag Race.' I'm like, take a chance.

The secret to a great Halloween costume, and I can't stress this enough, is in my opinion is to extract sexuality out of your costume.

I think the best way I've grown as an artist period, not just in relation to creating music, is having a lot more confidence in myself.

If you were to come in to my house, I have archived every fan letter I've ever been given, boxes and boxes and boxes and boxes of them.

Well, I think 'Addams Family Values' is definitely a gay icon movie and definitely a drag queen icon movie that no one ever talks about.

Beneath the 30 pounds of makeup and corsets and gowns are real beating hearts of real people and they usually come from a place of pain.

On 'PG-13,' the way I wrote that is that I would get my tracks ahead of time and then I would write for them, and I wrote fairly quickly.

I really like women who are able to be classy and poised and really well put together when the time is right, but also be complete clowns.

There's an old guard of drag, like the queens who got as big as they could possibly get before there was a TV show dedicated to drag queens.

I play a lot of video games, cook meals for my best friends and chosen family in Seattle, and find time to visit my family in Portland, Oregon.

When most kids were hiding their eyes or cowering under the covers, I was three inches away from the television when horror movies were played.

It's a pleasure to join the ranks of Debbie Rochon, Linnea Quigley, and Heather Langenkamp as one of America's most recognizable Scream Queens!

On stage, we embrace every ounce of ourselves, we celebrate who we are, we are honest and live our truth - and we inspire people to do the same.

When I wrote 'PG-13,' I had just won 'RuPaul's Drag Race,' all my nightmares had come true, and I was a brat. I was a privileged brat overnight.

I was so nervous competing against Lyneshia Sparx. She's so gorgeous, and she's hilarious. When you get to know her, she's the most lovely person.

I've always said that punk is a time and money thing. You can only be punk if you're poor and you're young. It's for the poor, it's for the young.

A lot of people just feel really impacted and inspired by drag in ways that I don't think we, as self-absorbed drag queens, think about that often.

I was such a bizarre conundrum of everything that makes you worry about a child. I was a bad student. I got picked on a lot. I loved horror movies.

If one drag queen penetrates the mainstream and opens up a new avenue for us to take with our careers, that means all of us can potentially do that.

For so many years women have reached out to drag entertainers asking for help or advice with their style, makeup or they just want to be our friends.

Once you are in full Sharon Needles mode, you don't feel fear, you don't feel physical pain, and you also don't feel your own moral filter any longer.

I don't let the fans rule my world and rule what I do, or how I do it, because as artists we give what we give and you receive how you want to receive.

Every disposable job makes you partially suicidal. But I've always worked because I need to buy drugs and wigs so I could go out in drag and get wasted!

What I love about what I do is expanding people's minds on the topics of gender expression, gay rights, and most of all, entertaining them while I do it.

I'm very excited to be able to take the Jungle Kitty experience to different places and travel with it and meet all the different jungle kitties out there.

A Scream Queen is a beautiful, bad actress who's really good at screaming, but it also represents standing up for equality and anti-bullying for LGBT youth.

When you aimlessly shoot for lofty goals, with no personal connection to them, you loose sight of what really matters, and what will really make you content.

Gwyneth Paltrow -- she always looks like she's about to cry. I wish someone would just kick her and get it over with. But I loved her in The Royal Tenenbaums.

Growing up in Iowa I could have had it a lot worse. My family was more worried about my education and my health than the fact that I wore my sister's dresses.

Gay people in general, I think, like telling secrets because we have to hide a huge secret for the first half of our lives. Why would we want to keep any more?

I love covers because there's just something I love about replicating someone else's music or taking rare music and introducing it to a wider or a new audience.

Not all drag queens but certainly the ones who empowered me, are people who pushed buttons, and poked fun at society from Leigh Bowery, to Lady Bunny and Divine.

Nowadays, 'Drag Race' shows how fantastic and amazing drag queens can be, so audiences won't sit through a boring show anymore. You have to keep people entertained.

I've started a line of Manila dolls and they're all going to be wearing my favourite outfits - the spaghetti and meatballs one is the first one, I'm really excited.

I come from regional, small-city drag, where if you won Miss Des Moines, Iowa, and you did something bad, or you were being a role model, your crown was taken away.

You can have a beard and do drag; you can be a woman and do drag. I've met faux queens. I've met kings. Anything that you want can be considered drag in the context.

At the end of the day, I come from a culture and an upbringing where you create your own path. There is no seat at the table for you? You create your own opportunity.

My concept is drag queens are not a reflection of society, they are a fun house reflection of society where we bend, and twist and manipulate the anxieties we all feel.

I don't want to be anyone's role model. My mole models were assholes. My role models are dead. My role models never made it to 30, so I'm a bad person to ask for advice.

Of course, Jungle Kitty got really famous when I was doing it on 'All Stars 3.' I was just writing the song, and the words came out - that was the state of mind i was in.

People always ask me, how did you grow up to be so confident? I tell them, I always look in the mirror and say I belong, you are so beautiful and you are meant to be here.

The cool thing about being in drag, just like getting to play a role in a play, is that you get to play a fantasy and you get to play someone else that you're not used to.

I've always wanted people to feel great about themselves, for people to know how special they are and really love themselves and accept themselves and celebrate themselves.

My parents made me take piano lessons from 1st grade to when I graduated from high school, and music never came to me as naturally as my other more visual artistic talents.

The worst frame of mind to be in is what the fans like or what the fans want, because then you lose the authenticity of who you are as an artist and who you are as a person.

Growing up as a gay boy during the holidays, there's the things you want to ask for, and then the things you ask for because you're afraid of asking for what you really want.

With Jinkx Monsoon, I strive to make her pretty and likable and have this bubbly, lovely personality. But then she can also be the most crass, out of the blue, kooky character.

I can't speak for everyone, but the kind of comedy that makes me laugh are the ones that kind of make me cringe, and kind of make me look inside my own fears, my own anxieties.

I started drag in Portland, Oregon, but I don't feel that I came to life as a drag queen until I started working in Seattle. That's what really lit the rocket fuel in my career.

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