Jay-Z is a dude that can give you a hundred 'Simpsons' quotes, like, 'What you know about the monorail?'

We made this mountain with 'Vulgar Display Of Power,' and that was a pretty damn tall mountain to climb.

I mean, we just started, it's a new thing. We're doing this for fun and we're going to see where it goes.

My dad loved black singers. So listening to New Orleans music, eventually I wanted to play an instrument.

Jazz needs the help. It's the more sophisticated music. All the other music is on the TV, but jazz isn't.

I've been writing Indian music for a while. Indian music is about Mother Earth, and mine is no exception.

As far as me knowing if Frank was a genius - in those days, I thought Einstein was the only genius around.

We're charging what we're worth and we don't think we're worth $22.50. We take a lower cut than Pearl Jam.

It's a dangerous world, man. You've gotta keep your eyes and ears peeled and be on the alert all the time.

If somebody would come and they're not playing music, they would encounter certain people on another level.

Music can change lives. Whether you are having a good or bad day, the power of music can change one's mood.

I haven't seen or spoken to Ray Collins in at least 10 years so I don't even know if he's alive. I hope so.

The fans have been very nice to me and I might say that all those fans that Frank said went away is not so.

I think that what I'm interested with is the creative side of music-making, rather than all the travelling.

I wanted to be Jimi Hendrix's drummer when I was in high school, but I graduated in 1970, the year he died.

The best thing is to find something you really love to do and enjoy that process for the rest of your life.

I mean, when it gets down to it I just wanted to play the drums. The rest of it never meant that much to me.

For some reason at 12 or 13, I just heard Gerry Milligan and fell in love with that, whatever it was called.

If you live to be 1000 years old, I hope I live to be 1000 minus 1 day, so I never have to live without you.

In my opinion, Lenny Bruce was more of an influence on Zappa's satirical lyric's than anyone that I know of.

Dream Theater was my baby. I formed it from the beginning, out of college, and I lived a lifetime with them.

The drums have hogged a lot of the credit. We're as much -- or more -- *cymbal* players, as we are drummers.

Sometimes I feel like a one man crusade against the devaluation of music in America and culture in the arts.

Pantera is a marquee band, with the most diehard fans. We sold over 20 million records without MTV or radio.

I find inspiration and rhythm in everything. Really I do. And I find inspiration in the really quiet moments.

I just wanted to say one more thing: I also think that when you go to play music, you're there to play music.

My time and my legacy with Dream Theater will always be a part of me. It's something I'll always be proud of.

I've composed all my life and kept things, and even developed things I've done in college into something now.

This amateurism however, can sometimes be helpful in forging a style; you have to work around your weaknesses.

The first thing is, jazz is one of the few things to let you know that there is a God and there is a creation.

The worst day of my life was once that my mom didn't allow me to go to a Queen concert because I was grounded.

I don't like to be pigeonholed, and I really like that people never really know what's going on with Metllica.

I got more used to my own voice, but still it's hard for me to listen to my own voice, or hear the recordings.

Trite as it sounds, follow your heart. Persevere. And if you follow your heart and persevere, it will pay off.

I just want to play for the people, give my new sound to them, and encourage them and be encouraged by people.

Chasing the sensation. Whether it was drugs or sex or whatever. Those things had become my main focus in life.

This is my religion. I take long breaks now when I don't perform and I am not myself when I am not performing.

Even though Peter Criss is a pretty simple player, he played with great feel and made the music get up and go.

Slayer is one of my favorite bands of all time, and to be on a tour with them is absolutely a dream come true.

I don't think I was ever meant to be tied down to one band for the rest of my life, playing one style of music.

When heavy metal was really big in the '80s, it was huge, and then it kind of waned down and kind of came back.

When I was a kid I never learned to play. I actually got in bands through watching people play and copying them.

The hardest thing for a musician to learn is how to play WITH people. That's what made the Basie rhythm section.

I love to go see live music. That used to be what I would do, almost every other night, and watch drummers play.

I've come to the conclusion that the average person can do about four things a day, like four real things a day.

I still play the same kit that I used on the very first album. It's an old Tama Superstar that I bought in 1983.

It's easy for me to say, "Oh yeah, that's the self-saboteur move that most artists pull whenever they're afraid."

I used to drink beer and smoke pot before I played. Now I drink tequila and smoke pot. So it's a little different

The people in Japan know more about the history of jazz and the musicians than the people in the United States do.

Yeah, I'm going to learn. I'm going to learn to skate really good, and if I can't, I'm going to get hurt doing it.

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