The deepest secret is that life is not a process of discovery, but a process of creation.

People say Cream gave birth to heavy metal. If that's so, we should have had an abortion.

I can't take days off and play like I did last night. Maybe some people can, but I can't.

There's nothing more exciting than playing live for the people. Just play it, just do it.

I hate holidays because it's the quietest; it's the most deafening sound in my apartment.

My situation should have been a lot worse. By rights I shouldn't have survived the crash.

I seldom play in a trio, but acoustic music is likely to be lighter, quicker, and quieter.

Every time I say thanks or thank you to a random person they blush and say you're welcome.

I mean, there's a hell of a lot of grounds for protest, but you don't do it through music.

Everything that I am or will ever be is in the music. If you want to know me, just listen.

You don't go to war with the President you want, you go to war with the President you have

I think a lot of the Mothers stuff that we recorded was written while we were on the road.

People think that it's their sovereign right to download music and not have to pay for it.

The music business, or what`s left of it, is obviously a very - it`s like a wild west now.

It's very difficult to make a living in music these days. All it takes is somebody paying.

Why are there no clouds in the sky? ... 'Cause God wants to watch his favorite band again!

John Bonham, probably the greatest drummer ever - all of us wanted to play drums like him.

The Japanese actually approach the music on a high level. It's always been on a high level.

You will in the future hear me on a pop album, but that's just the experimental side of me.

Do you know why they call a drummer's seat a throne? Because drummers are kings and queens.

Arsenal's never-improving injury list increasingly attracts curiosity rather than sympathy.

To be hip-hop is much more than just rapping in the production. It is more in the attitude.

If you never tried you will never know. Anyway we are going to die why dont we try our best

Creating music, visual art, producing music and film are always at the forefront of my life.

I don't know where I'm going, and I don't care where I'm going. As long as I can just do it.

Drumming is not worrying about what you can't do. It's about having fun with what you can do.

God is punishing me for my past wickedness by keeping me alive and in as much pain as he can.

It would make me feel that creative art has a chance in this crazy world that we all live in.

The only band that we have never played with but have always wanted to is the Rolling Stones.

Probably some of the most impressive drumming I've done is on the 'Far Beyond Driven' record.

I won't say anything, but you should tell them. It's not weakness to admit you're not perfect.

I think all of this—The Roots and DJing included—was meant to prepare me for The Tonight Show.

I really felt like we were gonna be The Rolling Stones of heavy metal, and we could have been.

If i can't even protect my captain's dream, then whatever ambition i have is nothing but talk.

Plus I am being hounded by all the fabulous new drummers, Bill Stewart at the head of the pack.

When I sit down to do an interview, I try to be polite and answer the questions that I'm asked.

You just can't pull out the gun and blow the TV away anymore 'cause the baby might be sleeping.

You gotta stick your neck out and put out a record that isn't safe... that's the Green Day way!

I can think of a lot better things to do with my hands than to cut them up on the rim of a drum.

The world of this is a load of crap. You get all these bloody people, so incredibly sycophantic.

I've always identified myself as a drummer first and foremost - I'm pretty obsessed with rhythm.

I think basically lables were more interested in a Richard Page record than a Mr. Mister record.

It's cool to meet your idols. It's a good opportunity to travel. Those kinds of things are good.

I never want to get to that level of poverty where taking a bath has to be a hot-pot experience.

My best investment is my imagination because it has never failed to bring me my greatest return.

I used to be a free-loving, free-caring person with no worries. We lived with no fear, you know?

Luckily, I'm in the position now of being able to play purely because I have the desire to do so.

Hendrix was big in England. We all became good friends and I am still in touch with Noel Redding.

First of all; Frank was the BOSS. We didn't question any of his motives or decisions at the time.

I don't know how you can go your whole life and not listen once to Bob Marley - what's the point?

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