Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.

It's always inspiring to watch live music.

If I practice I'll really alienate people.

Scars on the back are a swordsman’s shame.

The life of music is bigger than all of us.

I'd rather play jazz, I hate rock and roll.

Hell hath no fury like a politican scorned.

Legacy above finances; artistry above fame.

Every band goes through breakups or splits.

I have never been one for the over-the-top.

Pride also has a bill! Get ready to pay it!

Sharing's only fun when it's not your stuff.

All we sell is the Greatest feeling on Earth

We're Green Day. We can do whatever we want.

No matter how nice a hotel is, it's not home.

Compound interest is proof of gods existence.

I don't have to be a success. I can just try.

I'd probably be a burglar, I'd burgle people.

Those who stand for nothing fall for anything.

I'm just sittin here trying not to be unhappy.

The way we teach is a very linear kind of way.

I'm a drummer. I can count to four and repeat.

I have a homosexual crush on most adolescents.

I didn't have a normal childhood by any means.

If you live in the past, you've got no future.

There are only two types of music.good and bad.

I'll never play a drum solo you can't dance to.

I've always seen my drumming as lyrical anyway.

I do the same thing every night, but different.

Make the metronome your friend, not your enemy.

Man always thinks about the past before he dies.

You just chip away until the puzzle is complete.

The United States is a beautiful place, you know?

There are very few profound sayings in the world.

If anything's progressive, then we make progress.

I'm very outgoing, an extrovert, a control freak.

It's not the same without Jerry. It never will be.

If I am playing any music at all it is jazz music.

I don't think I can play the game and sell myself.

I am no longer married, so ladies... there you go.

I wanna look forward; I wanna keep moving forward.

I think it's an awful drink, to be honest with you.

I'm amazed that I can still play really. But I can.

If you think education is expensive, try ignorance.

All of the universe will be divided into two parts.

What advice do I tell my grandson? I listen to him.

The grass is always greener around the fire hydrant.

Our music comes from our hearts - and it always has.

Because you can be lazy if you don't know the truth.

I wouldn't want my funeral to be a sad, sappy thing.

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