A protective tariff is a typical conspiracy in restraint of trade.

Deficit spending is simply a scheme for the confiscation of wealth.

Any informed borrower is simply less vulnerable to fraud and abuse.

History cannot be reduced to a set of statistics and probabilities.

There is a limit to how much the United States Treasury can borrow.

Unless you are willing to compromise, society cannot live together.

It's the price of success: people start to think you're omnipotent.

One might as well try to perform brain surgery with a sledgehammer.

I come from Main Street, from a small town that's really depressed.

My father was a chemist on the Yale faculty, my mother a housewife.

For the immediate future, at least, the outlook (stocks) is bright.

Nothing can be more idle than the opposition of theory to practice!

The happiest time of anyone's life is just after the first divorce.

Pundits forecast not because they know, but because they are asked.

Of all classes the rich are the most noticed and the least studied.

The Class war will find me on the side of the educated bourgeoisie.

Gentlemen, a depression is for capitalism like a good, cold douche.

And what is true of a shop-keeper is true of a shop-keeping nation.

Productivity growth is the only possible way to achieve prosperity.

What counts is what you do with your money, not where it came from.

When you argue for free markets, you are arguing against the trend.

The case against a fully independent central bank is strong indeed.

When the world looks at America, what it sees is an Israeli colony.

In the Matrix in which Americans live, nothing is ever their fault.

It is the neglect of timely repair that makes rebuilding necessary.

There is a soul of truth in error; there is a soul of good in evil.

Envy is always referred to by its political alias, 'social justice.

Doing the right thing is fun. If nothing else, it surprises people.

Economics is concerned with what emerges, not what anyone intended.

Government central planning means over-riding other people's plans.

Love may be boundless and abundant, but time isn't. Time is finite.

In times of anarchy one may seem a despot in order to be a saviour.

Civilized countries generally adopt gold or silver or both as money.

Gender inequality is not one problem, it's a collection of problems.

Society can transport money from rich to poor only in a leaky bucket

Retirement should be a happier time, conditioned upon not being ill.

Law cannot organize labor and industry without organizing injustice.

Fascism is the stage reached after communism has proved an illusion.

Corruption exists because there is too much, not too little, market.

I'm not an anti-capitalist, or anarchist. I want capitalism to work.

We need an economics fit for purpose in a finite and entropic world.

The essence of Africa's crisis is fundamentally its extreme poverty.

Whatever you can rightly say about India, the opposite is also true.

Voting is not the most you can do; it's really the least you can do.

People have been unhappy for a long time about the two-party system.

Not every business cycle has a financial crisis. Frequently they do.

The only religion that still demands human sacrifice is nationalism.

The most fundamental form of integrative power is the power of love.

No one spends someone elses money as carefully as he spends his own.

You only need to make one big score in finance to be a hero forever.

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