I love football. But it goes through periods of poor play.

When a designer creates, he looks at the world around him.

Working for a magazine, you have a boss; you are not free.

I believe in the freedom of choice in both life and death.

You have to have a business model you believe in and like.

I wanted to be bored to death, as good a way to go as any.

It is said that no star is a heroine to her makeup artist.

The Press is not our daily bread but our daily sugar pill.

The very best kind of Saddam Hussein is the very dead kind.

We made only one real mistake. And even then we were right.

We all take leave of our senses, from time to time. . . . .

I hate people who over intellectualize. It bores me deeply.

Style is luxury, and luxury is simply what makes you happy.

Never fear being vulgar, just boring, middle class or dull.

Blue jeans are the most beautiful things since the gondola.

The bikini is the most important thing since the atom bomb.

Peanut butter is the greatest invention since Christianity.

A cigar has "...a fire at one end and a fool at the other."

Fairest and best adorned is she Whose clothing is humility.

Influence: What you think you have until you try to use it.

I love being a writer. What I can't stand is the paperwork.

It is Hillary's lot in life not to be able to fake it well.

We may not want to say it out loud, but motherhood is hard.

Talk about tactful - she's got a tongue like a Kalashnikov!

Consistency is the paste jewel that only cheap men cherish.

I love ballet because you can see how beautiful the body is.

I saw 'The Devil Wears Prada.' I don't think it's a reality.

The Russians are very much more up and down than the French.

You don't have to be born beautiful to be wildly attractive.

I think we live only through our dreams and our imagination.

Everything is more complicated than it looks to most people.

There is no bigotry like that of "free thought" run to seed.

There is no bigotry like that of 'free thought' run to seed.

Yet nightly pitch my moving tent, a day's march nearer home.

Adversity often activates a strength we did not know we had.

His laughter... sparkled like a splash of water in sunlight.

Murals in restaurants are on a par with the food in museums.

We pay for security with boredom, for adventure with bother.

Nothing ages so quickly as yesterday's vision of the future.

Chris Huhne is a remarkably successful and powerful minister

In talking about the past, we lie with every breath we draw.

I would be happy naked as long as I'm wearing fabulous shoes.

Hire people smarter than you are and encourage them to bloom.

I think I have character, and that is what people like in me.

I had a happy childhood: extremely outdoorsy and independent.

A world without leopards, well, who would want to live in it?

Duty and to-day are ours; results and futurity belong to God.

Joys too exquisite to last, And yet more exquisite when past.

A poet wants only one small stone on which to carve his life.

Technology is anything that was invented after you were born.

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