"No" is just a moment in time.

The deep sea is a scary world.

Self-love knows no impediment.

Ill give you a definite maybe.

Marriage is the death of hope.

The heart wants what it wants.

You know, I'm a big comedy fan.

Guilt is the mafia of the mind.

Gentlemen, listen to me slowly.

I'm exhausted from not talking.

If people hate me they hate me.

At this rate, I'll live forever.

Don't take rejection personally.

Tell them to stand closer apart.

Modern dancing is old fashioned.

There is a statue of limitation.

I hope you're getting this down.

Some people handle sweets better.

I'm the father of four daughters.

Art is not a mirror but a hammer.

Nothing matters. Nothing matters.

Im too sensitive and too sincere.

I was once a fairly angry person.

I foresee death by culture shock.

Showing up is 80 percent of life.

'No Country for Old Men' was epic.

Staying curious keeps me inspired.

I don't have anything against CGI.

I'm too sensitive and too sincere.

A Hospital is no place to be sick.

Be drug-free and smoke some crack.

I can give you a definite perhaps.

Paranoia is knowing all the facts.

Writers are idiots with Underwoods.

Making movies is like herding cats.

I keep my overhead as low as I can.

I can levitate birds. No one cares.

In the event of war, I'm a hostage.

Making movies is all about instinct.

The pope dies, you get another pope.

I see my actors as my collaborators.

Suspect all your favorite sentences.

Politicians pretend not to be smart.

I never look in the rearview mirror.

90% of success in life is showing up

We Are The Sum Total Of Our Choices.

Don't say yes until I finish talking.

I literally cannot remember one joke.

Writing Kylo Ren is just so much fun.

God makes stars. I just produce them.

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