I still feel like a nerd.

You know, I'm a big comedy fan.

I literally cannot remember one joke.

If everyone is mature, there is no comedy.

'The Night Of.' I pray there will be more.

I feel like it's a golden age for television.

It's so difficult to shock America these days.

'Deadwood.' I could have watched that forever.

I don't know if you can be a born-again virgin.

If anything is leaking, I try to plug the hole.

I am always driven by the terror of humiliation.

I don't think there's really observational magic.

Every day I live by only one rule, be a good guy.

The moment you think of a joke is the best moment.

I always feel like I'm very far from my potential.

If the movie's not communicating, it's not working.

Eventually, the nerds and the geeks will have their day.

I don't think there's that many great 90-minute comedies.

It seems like magic is something kids start really young.

I always see other people as predecessors and admire them.

I think that everything I do tends to root for the underdog.

I put on a big show when I write something I think is funny.

I think we all have a love/hate relationship with the media.

People like the comedy more when they care about the characters.

I have to make good things so good comedians want to talk to me.

I love the Lonely Island. I wish there was more Lonely Island movies.

There was definitely a period when I just felt out of sync with earth.

Deer are like dogs. Except for Bambi, they're pretty personality-less.

I often say that ... I'm just involved in comedy, so I can be around it.

There's nothing more fun than debating and defending your taste in music.

If you look at who drives the box office numbers at these films, it's men.

[My] dream writers room: "'Taxi.' I need to write for someone named Judd."

So many people are in comedy because of difficult mothers or broken homes.

You have to write a lot of scripts to get any scripts that are worth making.

The audience doesn't care that most of happened. They just want a good movie.

I think the world is changing and all that matters is that I'm creating things.

With comedy, a lot of people develop their sense of humor as a defense mechanism.

When I notice that all the beats sound exactly the same, it starts to wear on me.

I very rarely made any move to direct anything. I didn't have any faith in myself.

Sometimes you need to get away for a few weeks just to figure out who you are again.

If you watch the arcs of so many comedians, at some point, they just become themselves.

The hard part about getting much attention is that people start dissecting what you do.

To me, I've never understood why there is any question about are women as funny as men.

If you develop 10 things, and you can get two or three made, that's a very high ration.

Most comedians weren't great athletes; that was the way they got noticed in high school.

My first writing jobs were writing Tom Arnold specials for HBO, so I love working there.

I used to tour a little bit with Jim Carrey and help him out on his first Showtime special.

Up until 'Bridesmaids', the general consensus was that women preferred comedy a bit softer.

I feel the responsibility to make things which on some level have something positive to say.

I'm making a movie about relationships, and I'm surrounded by guys scared of talking to girls.

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