I joined the anti-Fascist struggle with my best friend, who was a Jew.

Croatia did not want Europe to be divided as to the start of Croatia's EU entry talks.

It's a pity that Milosevic did not live through the trial and get his deserved sentence.

The army did what Milosevic's regime asked of it, which was to create a 'Greater Serbia'.

The global response to global terrorism must not endanger fundamental human rights and freedoms.

If Yugoslavia is to exist, it can exist only as an alliance, a confederation of independent states.

He was driven by the idea that when Milosevic grabs a part of Bosnia, Croatia should get a piece of it, too.

We created a new democratic Croatia, ... The HDZ is the strongest party in Croatia, and it achieved this not because of us politicians but because of you, the people of Croatia.

We are three countries that emerged from the former Yugoslavia - countries that are now in transition and must cooperate with each other, because our economies depend on each other.

I think we can find a formula that would be to everyone's satisfaction, which would make it possible for Croatia to take some more steps and for Europe to accept us into its midst, and for the talks to start.

The estimated loss of up to six million dead is founded too much on both emotional, biased testimonies and on exaggerated data in the postwar reckonings of war crimes and on the squaring of accounts with the defeated.

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