When families are strong, America is strong.

People will be able to judge for themselves.

I thought using one device would be simpler.

Let's finally guarantee equal pay for women.

A vote in 2002 is not a plan to defeat ISIS.

It is essential that America's word be good.

I want every business to compete and thrive.

Just hit my 75th birthday, I'm feeling great!

My Fox guys, I love every single one of them.

If you love Russia, you have to love Godunov.

You have the power to pursue your own dreams.

when women progress, all of society benefits.

I certainly think the free-market has failed.

What difference, at this point, does it make?

Don't tear other people down. Lift people up.

[Donald] Trump is obsessed with name calling.

We have to tackle the plague of gun violence.

Win or lose, people know what you want to do.

Donald Trump lives in an alternative reality.

I happen to have given lots of free speeches.

We must be authors of the history of our age.

Luck tends to come to people who are prepared.

Experts often possess more data than judgment.

Don't take counsel of your fears or naysayers.

God bless the America we are trying to create.

Women are the world's most underused resource.

We got to think of something for people to do.

I'm proud to be a woman running for president.

You have to test your ideas in a public forum.

No battle plan survives contact with the enemy.

If they are too big to fail, make them smaller.

For 30 years, I've produced results for people.

I have won elections and I have lost elections.

The harder they hit, the more encouraged I get.

I'm a progressive who likes to get things done.

I think I've been very consistent in my values.

I wish I had some stock in a scrunchie company.

I have had fun being who I became, so to speak.

Nobody is ready to leave Iraq to be interviewed.

Corporations and businesses [don't] create jobs.

No nation can meet the world's challenges alone.

You're not a leader if you haven't been elected.

We have gaps that are rooted in systemic racism.

Race remains a significant challenge in America.

My friends, Israel's security is non-negotiable.

American politics is always an open competition.

History is written backwards but lived forwards.

Bad news isn't wine. It doesn't improve with age.

The president's personal staff has a unique role.

I don't see myself in any way in elective office.

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