Controversial proposals, once accepted, soon become hallowed.

We were eyeball-to-eyeball and the other fellow just blinked.

I don't spend my hours plotting for somebody else's downfall.

You don't walk away if you love someone. You help the person.

I have absolutely no interest in running for president again.

Small children and unruly people who are demanding attention.

Oh, I've never been asked a silly question in my entire life.

You don't have to be perfect. Most men never think like that.

I believe in raising the minimum wage and equal pay for work.

We need to have strong growth, fair growth, sustained growth.

I think that the decision to go to war in Iraq was a mistake.

Fighting for kids and families has been the cause of my life.

I get it that some people just don't know what to make of me.

It takes more than one dove to make peace in the Middle East.

I think leadership is both a trained thing and a natural gift.

Great Britain has lost an Empire and has not yet found a role.

Laws that discriminate validate other kinds of discrimination.

Why do I have to keep proving to people that I am not a liar?!

America is a country founded on religious freedom and liberty.

I think talking's important. I think aspirations are critical.

I want to close the online loophole and the gun show loophole.

Donald Trump's shipped jobs to 12 countries, including Mexico.

At my door the Pale Horse stands to carry me to unknown lands.

Always focus on the front windshield and not the review mirror.

Organization charts and fancy titles count for next to nothing.

Trump just looks stupid trying to appeal to blacks and Latinos.

I really do hope that we have a woman president in my lifetime.

Every moment wasted looking back, keeps us from moving forward.

We have places in America that really have been just forgotten.

I am someone who hopes for the best and prepares for the worst.

I never thought I would end up being the Senator from New York.

There cannot be true democracy unless women's voices are heard.

Knowing what to expect next gives children a sense of security.

I feel like every day, every minute I have to make the most of.

I love all the mentoring, the public-private partnership ideas.

The evils of tyranny are rarely seen but by him who resists it.

We must help women in every society to have their voices heard.

A great task has been completed and an even larger one remains.

For me, being raised in a free America made all the difference.

Patriotism is a mystery-intangible, invisible, and yet eternal.

I hope the two wings of the Democratic Party may flap together.

Once the information is in the 40 to 70 range, go with your gut.

The Iranian people have a proud past. They merit a great future.

One of the best ways to persuade others is by listening to them.

Happiness has many roots, but none more important than security.

He who walks in the middle of the road gets hit from both sides.

Women are the largest untapped reservoir of talent in the world.

We came out of the White House not only dead broke, but in debt.

I wouldn't take up arms. I think that might be a little extreme.

Donald Trump always takes care of Donald and people like Donald.

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