If you want to rock the Vote, You have to Rock the Boat.

Congress does two things well: nothing and overreacting.

Liberals exploit weakness; conservatives offer strength.

NEA includes most bizarre & extreme misuse of tax funds.

Even if Iraq IS a civil war, people have won civil wars.

The Washington bureaucracy is too arrogant and imperial.

Liberty built civilization. It can rebuild civilization.

If economy were good, there'd be no immigration problem.

Our country's founders cherished liberty, not democracy.

I'd like to think of myself as the flavor of the decade.

Suicide terrorism stops when we stop intervening abroad.

It's clear that we need comprehensive immigration reform.

I could hear your heart and soul come through your voice!

Challege the underlying concepts of corporate personhood.

Every gun sold should require a background check, period.

Character is doing the right thing when nobody's looking.

I'm not going sell out on the people of state of Florida.

If you can find something everyone agrees on, it's wrong.

Military tribunals to lock people up the way Lincoln did.

Any ad which quotes what I said on Sunday is a falsehood.

Ongoing battle against liberals nationalizing healthcare.

Show true cost of FICA-double what is shown on paychecks.

I love the environment, but I'm cheap on the environment.

Oh, he was asking to have an open marriage and I refused.

I think conservatives can be for very tough-minded trade.

President Obama has already ended Medicare as we know it.

I wouldn't vote against getting rid of the Jim Crow laws.

Stop policing the world and we can get rid of income tax.

If you drill, there's going to be a spill. It's axiomatic.

American consumers benefit from free trade and investment.

It's going to be a bummer if Mars turns out to be like us.

1995 government shutdown from GOP underestimating Clinton.

I believe most Americans are pro-choice and anti-abortion.

If you sacrifice liberty for security, you will lose both.

I never voted to spend one penny of Social Security money.

I hope to continue to be serving South Dakota in Congress.

Right-to-life groups won't fund us because we're Democrats.

What I want to do is create more taxpayers, not more taxes.

The Clinton foundation has done a lot of good in the world.

We need to do things better, but in a way that makes sense.

Terror is a tactic. We can not wage "war" against a tactic.

Get rid of IRS; get rid of income tax; get rid of spending.

If Iran invaded Israel, it's up to Congress to declare war.

The gentleman will sit! The gentleman is correct in sitting!

I'd love to think that I'm a super human being, but I'm not.

All of us have a responsibility to help pay for health care.

Amend Constitution to remove aliens' birthright citizenship.

If you can’t protect life, then how can you protect liberty?

We don't need any troops abroad-they don't help our defense.

We can't allow domestic violence to become a campaign issue.

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