I am not a politician.

Hillary Clinton is not done yet.

I'm a strong believer in bipartisanship.

I like Kahlua and ice cream as a dessert.

Never let the other fellow set the agenda.

I believe in working in a bipartisan manner.

Commerce was the best job I could ever have.

I believe in cooperating for the common good.

You cant put the toothpaste back in the tube.

It's not appeasement to talk to your enemies.

Trade is an integral part of our foreign policy.

I always thought that I was okay with arithmetic.

What did the president know, and when did he know it?

There is no room for politics in the Commerce Department.

Some people would like the world to go back to the 1950s.

If you're not gonna pull the trigger, don't point the gun.

Party leaders aren't responsible for every candidate's gaffe.

Young people - motivating them in any election is hard to do.

Leadership is the key to 99 percent of all successful efforts.

Hillary Clinton has done amazing things and she's not done yet.

We live in a time today where we face fierce global competition.

I think ... that things are a little bit up for grabs right now.

A chief of staff has to reflect the president's governing style.

You've got to guard against speaking more clearly than you think.

If you don't like the question that's asked, answer some other question.

It is almost always the cover-up rather than the event that causes trouble.

Our focus must be on making America the best place on earth to do business.

No one knows the Senate better than Joe Biden; he lived there for 35 years.

Contrary to what most people think, there is a Rich Daley under Mayor Daley.

Once the toothpaste is out of the tube, it is awfully hard to get it back in.

If we don't set the rules for commerce in the Asia-Pacific region, China will.

I got through at Ignatius. I did OK, not great in any of my academic endeavors.

The US Debt is the single biggest threat I see to innovation in American business.

The reason CAFTA should be enacted is not economic benefits: it is national security.

There are 14 Cabinet spots, and God only knows how many hundreds of people want them.

For any business, large or small, not to have an e-commerce strategy is a big mistake.

The central question is simply put: What did the president know and when did he know it?

The beginning of the decline of the Republic was the day they air-conditioned the Capitol.

You don't need to know who's playing on the White House tennis court to be a good president

You don't need to know who's playing on the White House tennis court to be a good president.

We have the American people properly concerned about the future of our country and the world.

Sometimes an active policy is best advanced by doing nothing until the right time - or never.

Donald Trump has been someone who has basically taken every position that Vladimir Putin has.

The mistake we made in the 1990s was overestimating the potential of NAFTA's positive impact.

There is no path to middle-class prosperity without tearing down barriers to American exports.

Politics is all about relationships, people. A lot of it's emotional. It's not rocket science.

In Washington I'm thought of as a conservative, but in Tennessee I'm thought of as a Bolshevik.

I understand personally that it is frustrating to lose presidential elections by narrow margins.

Finally, my biggest failure of 2014: Once again not securing the #‎ disclosure of the UFO files.

It's been proven in Washington: It's very hard to negotiate and try to get a deal done in public.

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