I have an excellent body, not an extra gram of fat. A washboard stomach.

I like to have the puck when I have speed. You know, then I'm dangerous.

It's always a lot easier when you have people around you supporting you.

The Monmouth-Ocean area is . . . always in the best-areas-to-live lists.

Cirrus sky hawk drift, blue haze in the autumn air, and my mouth is dry.

We try to do different types of projects and last time was a fun event .

Write your own book instead of reading someone else's book about success

Lexington did launch its air group when a Japanese carrier was reported.

So I think I know a little bit about winning, if there's ever a concern.

You're always going to face a little bit of criticism from time to time.

I've noticed if you look too far ahead, it only works negatively on you.

I want to be the best. So whatever comes with that, I have to accept it.

I want to be the best, so whatever comes with that, I'll have to accept.

As a kid in British Columbia, going back a long way, I learned to skate.

I always believed if you take care of your body it will take care of you

If you want something as bad as you want to breathe, then you can do it.

It takes two guys on a team to do very well in the end and be successful.

I'm like a duck: calm above the water, and paddling like hell underneath.

A captain shouldn't be chosen on the amount of goals he's going to score.

You can't be common, the common man goes nowhere; you have to be uncommon

I received my parents' permission and went into the Navy on June 3, 1941.

My only goal is to win the Stanley Cup and do what I have to to win that.

Well, I think just a desire to come back and be a part of the game again.

Look at it this way: if winning wasn't so hard, it wouldn't feel so good.

There are rough players and there are dirty players. I'm rough and dirty.

You're too old to still be playing. I'll buy you a rocker you can sit in.

The NHL is the best in the world, it has the best players. I love the NHL.

You have to be able to win on the road if you want to win in the playoffs.

How much does it cost to entice a dope-smoking UNIX system guru to Dayton?

Being in my best shape, my conditioning, it's something I pride myself in.

I don't want to get into a 'he said, she said' with the refs...I'm the he.

I don't want to retire, because you stay retired for an awfully long time.

It was my dream playing for the Montreal Canadiens - it was my dad's team.

When you win in Montreal, it's the best place in the world to play hockey.

Sometimes it just feels like the only thing you do is play hockey and eat.

For as long as I can remember I wanted to be a professional hockey player.

It's a tough game, and you never want to take that aspect out of the game.

Someone who plays hard every shift, it's pretty admirable for a young guy.

I always go home to Buffalo in the offseason. I really enjoy my home town.

It's good when you're getting points - you're obviously feeling confident.

Sight is something you take for granted until you think you might lose it.

I look upon myself as a musical bricklayer with architectural aspirations.

I am putting pressure on myself to do my best and perform to my potential.

Of course in a game you have to be serious, but still you have to have fun.

My former wife made me a millionaire. I used to have three million dollars.

I never want to hurt anyone on the ice. That's not the type of player I am.

I'm so busy right now, it's the beginning of the hockey season for my kids.

Winning the Stanley Cup in '99 was a dream come true. I'll never forget it.

After the Battle of Midway there was a week in a rest camp at Pearl Harbor.

You can't just go outside and play hockey. It's more of an expensive sport.

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