Quit while there is still time - at about 12 or 13 years of age!

The crowd doesn't give a crap as long as you bring the money in.

I can no longer play at a level I was accustomed to in the past.

This is really a new NHL and it's built on speed and young guys.

Really the team often will take on the personality of its coach.

When you have hope, and you have peace, you can handle anything.

You can say what you want about me, but don't mess with my wife.

He has a great pass, great vision, great shot, great everything.

I try to stay pretty level-headed and just do what I have to do.

I skate to where the puck is going to be, not where it has been.

Every year, I just want to do better than I did the year before.

Actually I love acting in commercials and I see no shame in that.

When someone asks to sign on the money I always refuse. Bad omen.

My dad was a big grinder, a tough guy. I inherited that from him.

I don't think I'd change the path that's got me where I am today.

I might have practiced stick-handling with my head up a bit more.

I'm just happy I got a hole-in-one for the first time in my life.

I'm leaving the game of hockey with nothing but great memories...

Before you become successful, you have to fall down on your face.

Cancer is cancer. I've got a great life if I can just stay alive.

I'm pretty transparent and have no problem sharing my weaknesses.

Canadians don't have a very big political lever, we're nice guys.

I think any time you play your first NHL game, you remember that.

I always wanted to be the best and to get the most out of myself.

What you had at the time was a dictatorship with the team owners.

The owners and managers were too stupid to realize we had brains.

They call me Caveman because I don't care what others think of me.

Pain is nothing. Pain is in the mind. If you can walk you can run.

If you can't beat 'em in the alley, you can't beat 'em on the ice.

All hockey players are bilingual. They know English and profanity.

The first time I met Wayne Gretzky... he never said anything back.

Old people, don't watch it because you might die just watching it.

The more I can hear, the more I can learn, the better off I'll be.

If you keep performing, and if you stay healthy, you keep playing.

How can you measure the contribution that artists make to society?

Coach may have been the greatest innovator the sport has ever had.

No one in Montreal learns how to skate. You're just born that way.

You have to go through some adversity to be able to be successful.

You can curse the darkness or light a candle. The choice is yours.

I didn't handle fame very well at first. I got a little resentful.

I don't fear stopping a 100 mph slap shot. I fear not stopping it!

We have two tables on our airplane that are set up with the games.

Ninety percent of hockey is mental and the other half is physical.

All I can say is it's improper to criticize someone 30 years later.

You might say I was a little bit more outspoken... I spoke my mind.

We rush through this career and it ends abruptly for the most part.

I think he knows all my tricks. Or the fact I don't have any tricks

It's no fun losing a tooth or getting your face whacked by a stick.

I was not the best student. Thank God I had a lot of hockey talent.

In basic training we had been told to watch out for Japanese spies.

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