You can't stop insane people from doing insane things with insane laws. That's insane!

We need a president who realizes that there's no government business in show business.

Don't waste too much time wishing, hoping, and being envious; it'll make you bugnutty.

A bedrock of insecurity made me want to impress and want to be the center of attention.

If you spend a lot of time lying to people, you think a lot about what the truth means.

There's no job in show business that's harder than any other job outside show business.

In my 20s, I just had to be the centre of attention all the time. I was quite eccentric.

You don't have freedom unless you have the freedom to do stupid self-destructive things.

We are only here for a little while, and our bodies belong to ourselves and no one else.

The highest ideals are human intelligence, creativity and love. Respect these above all.

We all have friends we love dearly that couldn't pass for human in a strict Turing test.

There was something about me even at an early age that enjoyed charming and manipulating.

Psychic, illusionist... I'm just doing the things that I find interesting and worthwhile.

My whole take on libertarianism is simply that I don't know what's best for other people.

Technology is run by sex, because it's very important to people, both technology and sex.

When you tell other people to do stuff they don't know how to do, they tend to freak out.

If there's something you really want to believe, that's what you should question the most.

Penn & Teller stopped doing practical jokes, and the reason is we got much too good at it.

You can't allow people freedom and then change your mind when the things don't go your way.

The only secret of magic is that I'm willing to work harder on it than you think it's worth.

The desire to impress is an efficient means of bringing out one’s least impressive qualities.

Modern American magic, late 20th century magic, is tremendously disrespectful of the audience.

'Celebrity Apprentice' has more integrity and is the most straightforward show I've ever seen.

Sexuality is often tied in with something you feel you lack in yourself and look for in others.

If you want to turn out an atheist child, unconditional love constantly is a good way to do it.

I never wanted to be a magician. I never wanted to be a comedian. I never wanted to be onstage.

I have no evidence that libertarianism leads to a better life. I just think it is morally right.

If you want to talk about magic, the stuff that blows me away is the stuff that's done close up.

The whole world is pretending the breakthrough is in technology. The bottleneck is really in art.

I've never revved my car at a light for an attractive woman or an auto-rival, not even as a joke.

Channeling is just bad ventriloquism. You use another voice, but people can see your lips moving.

I once had Rachel McAdams over for lunch, when she was with Michael Sheen, who's a friend of mine.

Glenn Close is my favourite actress and she came to see the show in London once which was giddying.

How I was brought up and my imaginary friend means more to me than anything you can ever say or do.

I grew up as a Christian. I suppose at some level I wanted to believe someone was watching over me.

Part of the experience of being entertained is sitting back and plugging into someone else's vision.

You can't believe how pro gay and pro freedom of speech I am. I'm way out beyond anyone on the Left.

I intend to do the Penn & Teller show until they pry my cheesy magic wand from my cold dead fingers.

I don't think I'm made of the right stuff to be a politician. I think I'm made to be a loose cannon.

If you aim to be controversial for the sake of it you'd end up with a very thin and meaningless show.

Magic's quite a solitary pursuit - a thing you can do for hours and hours, getting better and better.

Direct confrontation, direct conversation is real respect. And it's amazing how many people get that.

Atheism is the absence of religion. We don’t really need atheism. We just need to get rid of religion.

The vast majority of the world knows there's no reason to circumcise. Someone should tell the doctors.

The purpose of art is to collide the intellectual and visceral together at the highest speed possible.

My whole family is missing that sports gene. I hope I didn't screw that up by marrying a great golfer.

We're terrible at realising what goes on in other people's heads because we are trapped inside our own.

If I go out to dinner with you and you order wine, I leave. I won't be around drugs and alcohol at all.

So I don't really suffer too badly from fears - I'm quite happy to engender them in other people though!

It is really funny to see people that you know acting unpleasantly just because there are TV cameras on.

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