To love is to live on the precipice.

What you desire you call into being.

Don't let the bastards get you down.

I write my columns pretty carefully.

Science has taken away our religion.

we are slaves to the cost of living.

I'm not any kind of social reformer.

Mr. Frazier makes me laugh out loud.

I like critics with strong opinions.

Not all women want to have children.

All news is an exaggeration of life.

When my mother passed away I was 20.

No one ever felt sorry for a banker.

A conversion is a lonely experience.

In the art world, Monet means money.

I am deebly self-conscious, and bad.

Logic is in the eye of the logician.

A bad facelift is like a bad toupee.

Historian: an unsuccessful novelist.

Pedantry is the dotage of knowledge.

God's mercy on you degenerate swine.

Without gambling, I would not exist.

Kill the body and the head will die.

There is no language without deceit.

The next frontier is our own selves.

I'm not a predictable black liberal.

Greece is a good place for rebirths.

Power factions fight back with lies.

Spring makes everything look filthy.

What we need now is endless courage.

I get so tired of moral bookkeeping.

Language is a weapon, keep it honed!

Most books are three-thirds rubbish.

Travel, of course, narrows the mind.

Sex is the mysticism of materialism.

I always keep my repertorial hat on.

Hate has a great unifying potential.

Katie Couric is kind of my soulmate.

Trade is 10 times as old as farming.

Uniqueness is the commodity of glut.

Being a woman anywhere is dangerous.

Life is an adventure in forgiveness.

History is an accumulation of error.

The Sahara is Africa's great divide.

Every war has revolutionary justice.

War is a horribly fascinating thing.

Magazine articles are the new books.

It's so thrilling to be intimidated.

I'd like to be a song and dance man.

I love Jesus, and I cannot hide that.

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