Being awesome makes me hungry.

I loved working with Bob Dylan.

I've gone through hell and back.

You've got to keep things flying.

I think I drift toward sad love songs.

I consider everything I compose a gift.

We can all put weight on or lose weight.

I quit college and neglected to tell my dad.

My mother wanted me to be a concert pianist.

If they want a photograph, then just take it.

The best thing about this band is I'm the leader!

Simply the best! Great music, extremely entertaining.

Prince presented us at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

You are epic fail if you think you are better than me!

Besides, I'm fairly incompetent. I can't play that fast.

If it wasn't good, I wouldn't be going back out on tour.

If we didn't do the tour, it would have been disastrous.

I was known around the college for jamming in the lounge.

Bob Dylan's not a hype and a haircut: he's the real thing.

Usually, I just do what I want, because I got it that way.

I'm proud of my kids, they are doing what they want to do.

Music can't save the world, but can make one a little calmer.

Since this our first show, I think they'll see us sweat a lot.

Grady Nichols is the awesome new sax player for the millennium.

I was born with a natural gift. My mother recognized the talent.

I don't listen to a lot of radio today. It's not really music to me.

My sons are into German music, but they are into all kinds of music.

Providence School of Art students used to sneak into P Funk concerts.

You can be enticed by food, wooed by food, sex, money, or instruments.

If youre a good parent, see the changes that are happening in your kids.

If you're a good parent, see the changes that are happening in your kids.

Working with Waylon Jennings and Willie Nelson takes you up another level.

I don't care who I play to, as long as they enjoy listening to what I play.

If you are into synthesis it’s a must have app. I’ve been jamming all night!

It is a river of ideas from which I fish out sounds that make my soul happy.

I loved Mal Evans holding one note down on You Won't See Me from Rubber Soul.

Tom would bring in songs, Mike would engineer, and we recorded about 30 songs.

But I end up with these bands who have players from literally all over the world.

I've spent most of my life playing with Tom Petty, and he's a damn good songwriter.

If you call attention to yourself at the expense of the song, that's the cardinal sin.

Sometimes you work with somebody you've never heard of because you just feel like working.

I love my mother dearly, but it wouldn't be suitable for me to live with her all the time.

We used to have a main female vocalist. But she had a baby. Now we do the singing ourselves.

To this day, H.R. Giger's work remains distinctive in every sense. He is frighteningly unique.

I got to play on a couple of records with the Rolling Stones, and that was really special to me.

I remember that I used to mix with my friends who had brothers and sisters. I was an only child.

Next year I'm going to be a guesting soloist with orchestras all over Europe, to start off with.

I try to find little things that you can do to move the song along and things that serve the song.

I got private lessons in keyboard at Julliard, before New England Conservatory of Music in Boston.

There is no luck; you've got to make your luck. You've got to always be prepared-without trying to.

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