I remain God's humble servant.

all i want...is mac and cheese

I like butter with my popcorn.

I joined a band to hit things.

We live in an age of miracles.

Being a lad is what I'm about.

I have really severe tinnitus.

Life's like a mayonnaise soda.

I know who I am and what I do.

God deserves the best from us.

Not everyone can lead worship.

Time is on my side, yes it is.

Dandelions don't tell no lies.

I'm completely hooked on polo.

It's sad when people break up.

Love is an impossible concept.

All rock n roll is homosexual.

I just live one day at a time.

Does anyone remember laughter?

I'm sort of an osmotic fellow.

I love pop music. Who doesn't?

Fashion goes round in circles.

How much of you is repetition?

Voice is the first instrument.

There's no shame in hard work.

I'm the same boy I used to be.

I see the light in your smile.

Of course I read Braille, yes.

Love is stronger than justice.

What the hell am I doing here?

My hobby is fishing for girls.

I'm obsessed with my children.

I hated Led Zeppelin at school.

Love's not only blind but deaf.

I'm a terrible Scrabble player.

Fame is like icin' on the cake.

I don't want to be a dead hero.

The radio makes hideous sounds.

The naked truth is still taboo.

You can't do something forever.

It's not easy to define poetry.

Two hearts are better than one.

Everybody's got a hungry heart.

I want a thousand guitars . . .

I don't want to mislead people.

I'm spreading my wings at last.

I don't go out and pick fights.

She gives the night its dreams.

I play in a lot of empty rooms.

Me and my dog are best friends.

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