Cleveland is my hometown.

Cleveland has been my life.

Campaigns end, revolutions endure.

People want to see you be genuine.

I am a black woman, last time I checked.

A lot of people are suffering in America.

You have a voice, you have a vote. Use it.

We can't solve all of our problems in a short time.

We need to deliver efficient, transparent government.

A community belongs to those who take ownership of it.

Any new venture, you gonna have some bumps in the road.

The Rust Belt has suffered a lot because of trade deals.

I am on a mission to help make this world a better place.

You never get to too big to phone bank, that's my opinion.

The vote is the last great equalizer that we have in this country.

If it has tires or testicles, you're going to have trouble with it.

The folks in this counrty need somebody that will stand up for them.

Early voting is a vital component of the electoral landscape in Ohio.

I was born to teenage parents who got married young and divorced early.

Every step of the way, life was hard. I was supposed to be a statistic.

Redistricting reform is one of the most important issues we can tackle.

I've proven myself a champion of workers' rights, particularly teachers.

People don't wake up to go to vote and then have their ballot not counted.

I think it is wrong to balance the budget on the backs of local government.

Environmental justice is vitally important to the mission of Our Revolution.

Ohio is my home, always. I'm a homegirl. Ohio is my home. Ohio is my first love.

Global warming is a real threat to our communities, to everybody, to everything.

I think the political class, just overall, has underestimated the suffering in America.

Onward and sublime Will ever glide The silent stream of Time, That bears us on its tide.

When you win, you can afford to be gracious, you can afford to have a little more mercy.

O Innocence, with laughing eyes! Thou art a cherub from the skies, A wanderer from heaven.

I'm the same Nina Turner, whether I'm on MSNBC or talking to my hometown newspaper or CNN.

The better a work environment is, the better it is for the employer - not just the employee.

The American public is somewhat ambivalent about what they expect out of thenational forest.

There is a cost for democracy. It is worth the cost when it comes to opening up access for voters.

Same way we have enough money to bail out Wall Street, we need to put a down payment on Main Street.

We cannot deny that people are suffering, and they are making that suffering known at the ballot box.

Women should not need a permission slip from government to take care of their own reproductive health.

It rolls in grandeur lone-- The stream of Time; And on its shores lie strown The wrecks of every clime.

People are human. People have failings. It's unfortunate people want to keep piling on people's failings.

We have the Troops to Teachers program, which encourages retired military individuals to go into teaching.

It is my hope that the establishment part of the Democratic Party will heed what the grass roots is saying.

I was 22 when my mother died; my baby sister was 12. We had nothing. We had each other, but we had nothing.

Democracy is stronger, is better, is more robust when people participate. We should want to encourage that.

All of us deserve a greater peace of mind, knowing that our children are better protected wherever they are.

The GOP will not be satisfied until women are barefoot, pregnant and back home by 5 o'clock P.M. to cook dinner.

We've had to overcome a lot in America to become a nation of progress. We still have a lot of progress to be made.

Voter fraud is almost non-existent. People don't just show up on election day, trying to impersonate other people.

There is no reason why the right Democratic nominee can't win Ohio. President Obama did it twice in 2008 and 2012.

Often in America, access to the freedoms and privileges guaranteed under the Constitution are determined by ZIP code.

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