Man must suffer to be wise.

Laws are inoperative in war

Man is his own worst enemy.

Thrift is of great revenue.

Hatred is inveterate anger.

Love Is Stronger Than Pride

If it works, it's obsolete.

All real living is meeting.

God is not a dead equation!

Everything evil is revenge.

Every virtuous man is free.

Pleasure is the bait of sin

Life must be lived as play.

Everything is self-evident.

While you teach, you learn.

Luck never made a man wise.

Men learn while they teach.

What is true belongs to me!

Revenge is an inhuman word.

Whatever begins, also ends.

Life is long if it is full.

She soars on her own wings.

Making things easy is hard.

Man is a tool-using animal.

No violent extreme endures.

Time itself comes in drops.

History is a bath of blood.

New habits can be launched.

We can't learn without pain.

All proofs rest on premises.

Nature does nothing in vain.

Man by nature wants to know.

Justice for All in the World

A man posing for a painting.

Politics is applied biology.

God is the absolute truth...

All great authors are seers.

Fear first created the gods.

Time takes all and gives all

The only constant is change.

Change is the only constant.

Fact is richer than diction.

Love God with all your mind.

Nature is not human hearted.

The great image lacks shape.

Gain or loss, what is worse?

He who is contented is rich.

Dogs wait for us faithfully.

Falsehoods border on truths.

The spirit is the true self.

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