Fish did not discover water.

Action and becoming are one.

Boredom is rage spread thin.

No one ever dies an atheist.

Philosophy begins in wonder.

Don't disarrange my circles!

I want to read philosophers.

Nothing is ours except time.

What else is nature but God?

Not I, but the city teaches.

Hidden nature is secret God.

I want to meet my God awake.

The king is the man who can.

Love not Pleasure; love God.

Hell is Truth Seen Too Late.

We have the riots we deserve.

The map is not the territory.

What we expect, that we find.

We are what we frequently do.

We are what we repeatedly do.

Happiness is the highest good

To fear love is to fear life.

Rotten wood cannot be carved.

Jesus loves a free black man.

God will meet us and help us.

How easy it is to tell tales!

Silence is safer than speech.

Time takes all and gives all.

True humility is contentment.

Man is on earth as in an egg.

Character is fate. (Destiny).

That which is cannot be true.

By doing good we become good.

In love, one and one are one.

Man must be invented each day

Existence is an imperfection.

Right... is the child of law.

I am I plus my circumstances.

Misery motivates, not utopia.

Return animosity with virtue.

To have little is to possess.

Water does not force its way.

The small is easy to scatter.

Requite injury with kindness.

All mathematics is tautology.

The world divides into facts.

By doubting we come at truth.

Nothing quite new is perfect.

All actual life is encounter.

Words divide, pictures unite.

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