I wish I can enjoy no food but food for thought.

God may not be omnipotent, but he is omniactive.

The human hand allows the mind to reveal itself.

Dermatology ... this young daughter of medicine.

Private companies should be building businesses.

The truest drive comes from doing what you love.

If it were not for hopes, the heart would break.

The worse the passage the more welcome the port.

'Tis not every question that deserves an answer.

A man's best fortune, or his worst, is his wife.

Humor is a drug which it's the fashion to abuse.

A good person will feel guilty even before a dog.

It is easier to ask of the poor than of the rich.

Where there is no imagination there is no horror.

His ignorance was as remarkable as his knowledge.

Come, Watson, come!" he cried. The game is afoot.

Chronic emotional stress shortens your telomeres.

Health depends on being in harmony with our souls

The mind can only see what it is prepared to see.

People should realize we're jerks just like them.

Laugh and a moment will soon arrive when you cry.

We have come a long way on that old molecule DNA.

In medicine, uncertainty is the water we swim in.

Friends and family matter most during hard times.

Please give your life to peace, justice and care.

Future companies will be smaller and more nimble.

Many would be cowards if they had courage enough.

Charity begins at home, but should not end there.

It is the property of fools to be always judging.

Travel makes a wise man better, and a fool worse.

When everyone is somebody, then no one's anybody.

The more cultured a man, the less fortunate he is.

A man wants nothing so badly as a gooseberry farm.

I swear fearfully at the conventions of the stage.

The grand thing is to be able to reason backwards.

We can't command our love, but we can our actions.

Your life is not your own. Keep your hands off it.

The future was with Fate. The present was our own.

Transparency and detail are everything in science.

A question is a polite way of demanding something.

The final discovery is the discovery of knowledge.

Some of the most fun people I know are scientists.

The development of the mind comes through movement

The child should live in an environment of beauty.

Order is ... the true key to rapidity of reaction.

Death tugs at my ear and says, 'Live. I am coming.

America is the only place where man is full-grown!

Jump for joy as we accomplish the dreams we adore.

Government research has to go through peer review.

Carbohydrate is the bad guy. You have to see that.

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