Is she not passing fair?

The insolence of office.

Sometimes, less is more.

Oh, I am fortune's fool!

All the world's a stage.

Nature's old felicities.

Silence, beautiful voice.

Desire is no light thing.

Rats live on no evil star

Need is not quite belief.

He who conquers, endures.

Love is better than Fame.

Right is its own defense.

Eats first, morals after.

How silent are the winds!

Don't mix wine and women.

Only the boring get bored

Atlantis will rise again.

The dark is light enough.

Nature is the art of God.

all men are the same age.

Cold beer is bottled God.

O sweet spontaneous earth

Eve is a twofold mystery.

Every path hath a puddle.

Money wants no followers.

Was ever grief like mine?

The Jews spend at Easter.

Armour is light at table.

Every bees hony is sweet.

The fish adores the bait.

A snow year, a rich year.

All flesh is not venison.

The gods hate unjust men.

Poetry is life distilled.

First fight. Then fiddle.

What lies lurk in kisses.

The soul never grows old.

Solitude is independence.

Writing. Love is writing.

Every old poem is sacred.

The words can not return.

Luck cannot change birth.

I am doubting what to do.

Words challenge eternity.

Anger is a short madness.

Acclaim is a distraction.

Idleness induces caprice.

Half talent is no talent.

Poetry is mostly hunches.

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