The happiness of every country depends upon the character of its ...

The happiness of every country depends upon the character of its people, rather than the form of its government.

To have arrived on this earth as a product of a biological accident, ...

To have arrived on this earth as a product of a biological accident, only to depart through human arrogance, would be the ultimate irony.

A good general not only sees the way to victory; he also knows when ...

A good general not only sees the way to victory; he also knows when victory is impossible.

I married beneath me. All women do.

I married beneath me. All women do.

You can plant a dream.

Seek truth from facts.

What does dating mean?

Take No as a question.

Trust comes from deeds.

I am not irresponsible.

I won't tolerate lying.

To get rich is glorious.

Want a hot dog, McMahon?

Sarah Palin's a quitter.

Don't hustle old people.

Nature's bank-dividends.

I take on daunting tasks.

I think I am a moral man.

Ceremony is all backbone.

Welfare reform isn't easy.

I am filled with humidity.

I ain't got time to bleed.

A meow massages the heart.

Circumstances alter cases.

I owe everything to France.

The pleasure was all yours.

Socialism with a human face.

I am a proud trade unionist.

Stability is not immobility.

People need space to survive.

Beauty is a social necessity.

You can't legislate morality.

The Thames is liquid history.

I am an undiplomatic diplomat.

Nostalgia is a seductive liar.

Unsaturated fat is an outrage.

Politicians don't create jobs.

People don't like politicians.

I'm an Angus King independent.

The whole world is one family.

Fact is stranger than fiction.

Let some people get rich first.

Our supreme governors, the mob.

I never say no to an ice cream.

Love is bigger than government.

Death and taxes are inevitable.

My family had liberal positions.

A bold onset is half the battle.

I believe in God and immortality.

No woman has an abortion for fun.

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