History sometimes makes fun of us and our best intentions.

My mother was a regular church-goer and was very tolerant.

Life is a farce, and should not end with a mourning scene.

It's not easy to talk about things that are still hurting.

I don't attach importance to great speeches or philosophy.

The bigger the headquarters the more decadent the company.

I am just an ordinary person trying to do an ordinary job.

They look like to carp going after the same piece of corn.

I would rather commit adultery than drink a glass of beer.

If a woman's work is never done, she should start earlier.

Think like a man of action, and act like a man of thought.

An unlimited future. Isn't that what America is all about?

A coxcomb is four-fifths affectation and one-fifth vanity.

To carry care to bed is to sleep with a pack on your back.

One must scratch that part of the body or mind that itches.

Men, who achieve much, die as do those who achieve nothing.

If the masses feel some anger, we must let them express it.

I'm no fan of what I've seen health insurance companies do.

I think nowadays economic liberties are an explosive issue.

With my victory, I must always remember that I glorify God.

Making peace, I have found, is much harder than making war.

Praise God even when you don't understand what He is doing.

Posterity always degenerates till it becomes our ancestors.

Never confuse sitting on your side with being on your side.

You don't help your enterprise with a policy of protection.

Let's remember, the CIA's job is to go out and create wars.

I am not ashamed to say that I am the son of a washerwoman.

In my view, Indian Railways has immense untapped potential.

I will restore a government based on principle and justice.

I consider every plant hardy until I have killed it myself.

Greedy for the property of others, extravagant with his own

It is desirable for Buddhist affairs to help civilian rule.

We cannot pretend that reality is different from what it is.

Dreaming is a journey through wonder, surprise, and freedom.

For a leader to pick his own successor is a feudal practice.

You can be racist against people that eat little red apples.

I am positive that flexibility is a feminine characteristic.

As human beings, our lives should be in retrospect with God.

Ah, no, far be from me a thought which I loathe like poison.

Shouldnt we be the light brigades rather than the bandwagon?

It was easier to conquer it than to know what to do with it.

I didn't want to be a number. I didn't want to be an object.

If you stand for peace in the USA, you're lucky to be alive.

When you elect chicken hawks, chicken hawks take you to war.

'The Young and the Restless' is my favorite television show.

I don't take PAC money. I don't take special interest money.

Some felt I'm not academically qualified, and they're right.

I don't want boys to use their pencils for improper writing.

I will be a president in a skirt, but I will wear the pants.

Throughout my life, I have always tried to do what is right.

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