If hell is to roam, then i've got hell to pave.

OMG, Kevin Nash, WTF, thought he was dead, LOL.

I think being angry is what keeps me motivated.

For the past 9 years, the WWE has been my home!

When my hair is dyed, I feel like I'm 35 again.

All I can say is that 'Raw' is an amazing show.

I just want to say one thing...Thank you Eddie!

In this business, it is about making an impact.

I laugh a lot in the ring when I'’m having fun.

When it comes to X-Men, Ice Man is my favorite.

Just being involved in WrestleMania is a dream.

I love the scent of burnt flesh in the morning.

Iran? Number 1! Russia? Number 1! USA? Hacktui!

It hard to be real heel, like Iron Sheik-class.

I'm the bad guy in WWE, which I find hilarious.

Jake 'The Snake' Roberts, man - brilliant mind.

I am Alberto Del Rio, but you already knew that.

I have the problems of, I must confess, old age.

A prayerless Christian is a powerless Christian.

To be peacemaker, you must know the peace giver.

Hot heads and cold hearts never solved anything.

No nation is ever taller than when on its knees.

Confidentiality is the essence of being trusted.

I'm not focused on the gay and lesbian movement.

You will remember me for what I truly am: A God!

It takes some balls to live life to the fullest.

I'll go be the best in the world somewhere else.

He just hit himself in the dinger with a rubber.

I'm Vince McMahon's favorite wrestler; quote me.

I've never been in the ring with The Undertaker.

I'm very direct and I don't sugar coat anything.

To me, wrestling is just as cool as it ever was.

I would love to end my career as World Champion.

This man can make a horror movie without makeup.

Invest in good, solid companies in good sectors.

Ron Simmons had a lot to do with Rock's success.

I know that there's pros and cons to everything.

I'm very much a 'one day at a time' kind of guy.

I just got pinned by a freakin' twelve year old.

Wrestling is such a competitive sport worldwide.

Every day is great when your name is Matt Hardy.

I think Trent Baretta looks like Ashton Kutcher.

We've all had our share of relationships failed.

Give me a treat, or leave me alone. It's Monday.

I've had some of my best matches with Christian.

Expect the unexpected in the kingdom of madness!

God bless my intelligent fans for their support.

I make it to the hall of fame. I pay for my due.

Dusty Rhodes really liked me, I bonded with him.

My least favorite aspect of shopping is shopping.

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