I'm a huge Jon Lovitz fan.

I make pink look pretty damn good.

It's not showing off if you back it up.

I go out there to steal the show every night.

I was the World Champ, but I should be better.

I am never the favourite, but I live for that.

I've never been in the ring with The Undertaker.

NO, I will not accept straight edge into my life!

My singing is a mix between Jericho/ Fergie/ Jesus

I have a lot of downtime in airports and on flights.

Whatever you do, take pride in it and be great at it.

When I was 5 years old, I wanted to be a WWE superstar.

My goal when I first started in the WWE was to stand out.

I'm a huge fan of comedy. I write material whenever I can.

I've made it clear - I'm not patient at all - several times.

I got you plenty of hats at home, Vickie, what are you doing?

I, being the ham that I am, always want people looking at me.

Curtis, where was that enthusiasm in the match? You might have won.

Sting can call out whoever he wants; he's a legend in this business.

On a good day, I'm a bitter, angry, chip-on-my-shoulder type of guy.

If I was always doing my own thing, I would be bored out of my mind.

I have no desire to switch companies or go to UFC or anything like that.

When I was 5 years old, Hulk Hogan was the world to a lot of little kids.

They love you when you're doing well and hate you when you're the bad guy.

Showing off is what you do when your are simply better than everybody else.

Everything I do is to become better, the best ever and I'm not going to stop.

Every single night, I swear, EVERY NIGHT!! EVERY NIGHT!! I DELIVER! I deliver.

Some advice I would give myself from the Spirit Squad years - try and get taller.

I am not trying to be the next anyone - I am going to be the first Dolph Ziggler!

If I cannot be the best or operate at the best highest level, then I need to go away.

If I have 30 seconds to make everyone remember what I do, I better make the most of it.

I want to change the game and break through the nonsense without any Establishment help.

For the longest time, Cena would be, and still is, filibustered by half the WWE universe.

Novak! Take the blazer off before you punch, it will help. Take it off. Hey, that's from Express.

There is a glass ceiling for everybody until you find a way to get that connection that Cena has.

I feel that I am better than Roman Reigns, but you know what? He hasn't wrestled as long as I have.

WWE has given me an out where, any days off that I have, they allow me to work on outside projects.

For the most part, and even with Miz, the WWE superstars are so good to the fans and everything they do.

I'm not going to be one of those guys who changes, and all of a sudden I'm shaking hands and kissing babies.

I live to leave somebody with a positive experience when they've met me, and make someone smile for the day.

I was a huge fan of Jon Lovitz, Dana Carvey, Jan Hooks, obviously Phil Hartman, and a very young Adam Sandler.

I appreciate someone who stands out and stands up for what he believes in, because that's what I'm trying to do.

It's not always about wins and losses, but winning two Survivor Series matches is something I will never forget.

When I was 8 years old, I watched 'Saturday Night Live,' and I always wanted to be on there and be an entertainer.

It's the WWE; it's Vince McMahon's show. He lays out what he wants from you. It's not always going to be what I want.

I dare you to put me in a back alley with Randy Orton or someone like that. I guarantee I'm not afraid of someone taller.

Of course, legends can call out whoever they want and do as they please, but they can't just show up and get handed matches.

I started wrestling when I was five. I lost my first match and cried in front of my dad, and I never wanted to do that again.

Miz and I grew up a couple of minutes apart in the Cleveland area and both had dreams of being WWE Superstars and being the best.

All of those Shield guys, who came in protected, have done nothing but deliver, in my opinion, and I am a harsh critic of everyone.

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